Forum Topics AD8 AD8 Dante AV vs NDI

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New report from RH consulting for February 24 :


The number of networked AV products on the market continues to grow and we are emerging well from the supply chain crisis.

For audio, Dante is by far the market leader as it has been for the past eight years. It has added more new products than all other protocols combined, and then some.

RAVENNA is a long way back but in a solid second place. The number of products for all other protocols is frankly inconsequential.

For video, we now have three years of data but there is still a long way to go. The product numbers are still small in comparison to audio and there are still all the signs of a relatively immature market. Some very major players in video have not yet adopted one of the video over IP standards that we survey. Is it time for them to jump off the fence?

NDI still leads the product numbers. NDI and ST2110 added a very similar number of actual products but the highest percentage growth was from the relative newcomer DanteAV.

Roland Hemming – February 2024


5 months ago

thank you a very useful post. It has been well telegraphed for some time the dominance of AD8 in audio having around 90% market share. This has been driving the optimism around the AD8 share price, along with some very encouraging half yearly revenue and EBITA numbers. However the big deal is whether AD8 can gain the same dominance in Visual.

At the half yearly the CEO indicated they were around 6 months ahead of where they previously thought they would be, and he further showed a slide showing a majority of the 50 OEMs that had signed up with Dante Video.

All well and good but this did not address the key issue, which is how ADB was faring in relation to competitors. In other words who is best positioned to come out dominant in this field? The market seemed well satisfied by what Aiden Williams had said, pushing up the share price over 20%.

From an Ignoramus's (me) reading of the research provided by rhconsulting it looks like a crowded field with Dante running number 4. Early days and difficult to tell how the video market will play out according to rhconsulting. Wondering is there anyone out there who has any sort of further industry perspective on all this? The market seems to think (for the moment) it is all pretty rosy, but we all know what the market is like when it comes to judgments of this type. A lot at stake with AD8 having a market cap of around $1.3 billion. (Not to mention my real coin in it).

11 months ago

I thought I'd forum-ise this straw to create an area to discuss Dante AV's progress and its competition - in particular NDI.

BirdDog (ASX:BDT), an AV manufacturer that mostly makes NDI supported cameras, had it's results call today. Seems like a real struggle being an hardware manufacturer and they're feverishly trying to develop higher margin vertically-integrated solutions.

Here's a few AD8 related tidbits from the call and a Dante Video question I posed to the CEO (Dan Miall):

  • He sees the live broadcast and "AV" as slightly different markets. Traditionally BirdDog has been in live broadcast. But "AV" is at least as big, if not bigger than live broadcast - and they're seeing stronger growth in this area. Their Zoom certified devices are helping them move into this space. I think Dan's definition of "AV" for video is everything outside of content creation space - so offices, stadiums, churches, concerts, etc and not broadcast studios.
  • Although the company has struggled, they've not seen NDI demand soften and is extremely confident in the future of NDI. Believes that their cameras over time will lose all the connectivity currently present and it'll reduce down to just one network port.
  • Dante AV is somewhat similar to NDI, but is currently marketed and positioned for the AV space where Audinate has a foothold in audio.
  • In the next 12 months, expect BirdDog to announce a Dante AV product. They've held back to wait for Dante AV to solidify its different formats, and that's happening now.
  • Right now NDI adoption is "dramatically larger" than Dante AV's. They're trying to time "turning point" of when Dante AV adoption takes off, as to not waste their precious R&D resources.

Dan spoke about it more Dante more than I expected. BirdDog has a very strong relationship with NDI - licensing the tech, and even using the same distributor in some parts of the world - and I was expecting they'd remain exclusively NDI in the video space.

It reaffirmed a few things. NDI is strong in live broadcasting, and Dante AV is attacking via its stronghold in audio in the physical spaces side.

Audinate mentioned that they'll be bringing video to the Dante Connect cloud workflow product in FY24. This is a play into the live broadcast / content creation space, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

BirdDog may be a good source of Dante AV adoption information in the future.


11 months ago

Nice one @mushroompanda

Do you think it's worth setting up a meeting with BirdDog?


11 months ago

@Strawman I don't think it's worthwhile at the moment. AV hardware land seems like a real struggle - highly competitive, negative growth, low 20s gross margins, running down inventory, etc.

Perhaps in 6-12 months time when they've had some time to execute on their medtech vertical solution (remote monitoring and training of surgeries), it might be worth getting them in.


11 months ago

Yeah just looking at some of the numbers now -- looks like it was a tough year..

In hindsight it seems like they got an exceptional price for their IPO -- 65c on the prospectus, with shares closing at 74.5c on the first day of trade!

A reminder why I am (usually) nervous about buying the IPO