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Added 11 months ago

Slowly coming back to life with our newborn now past the 4 weeks mark. I've been dead slow in turning into reporting season.

As always, @Vandelay covers this one very well. Grateful to you for sharing the insights from the results call which I missed.

The big points seems to have been covered here. In short, results looking amazing at quick glance, and a little less amazing if you dig deeper into them.

I put my thoughts on the full year report in my article this week :

The half on half decline is worrying, but management may be honest when they attribute this to pivot to full online and closure of clinics. Only time will tell here.

Also, question for everyone else here; do you know anyone that uses their platform? I have a few friends that are into their cannabis, and every time I ask what service they use, I don’t hear Cannadoc. I hear Cannatrek, HelloMello, Polln, and Honahlee, balnce, etc... It seems to me competitors are growing fast. I also mention this in the article.

I hold and am happy with the results, but I’m not rushing to add to the position too quickly, I’d love to see proof that they can grow again.

11 months ago

Thanks @JPPicard I'm keen to read your take in your blog.

I agree with your summation though, definitely a wait and see for now I'm not keen to add more until I see the next result. If they return to growth, the multiple it's trading at now is a steal.

Also keen to hear if anyone uses?