Pinned straw:
Thanks for mentioning this JPPicard.
I was also wondering about this. It wouldn't surprise me if they do a cap raise. I hope they don't do a substantial raise at these prices.
@JPPicard $1.8m isn’t a large margin, so I don’t think you are missing anything, as such.
But have a look at the cash burn trend charts I posted in my last 4C straw. The FCF TTM curve is on a clear upward trend. The last 12m burn was $1.6m which was a progressive, quarter by quarter improvement from about $3.6m (the peak) at Q4 FY22.
Over that period, investment spend has ramped down, new customers have gone live, and ARPU has increased. If these trends continue, then the rate of burn should continue to decrease, and we could soon be in cash generative territory.
So, it is in the balance, and all I would say is that the recent trend is our friend.
My thesis rests on this trend continuing as this is not a stock I am prepared to hold if it can’t blast through the inflection point. I’ll cut it one or two Qs of slack. My rationale is that $8CO is interesting if it can be a small, profitable business. The payments field is too competitive if it has to take an age to scale to achieve profitability.
Disc. held in RL and SM.