Forum Topics Riddle Solved!
11 months ago

Thank you Shaun (@Solvetheriddle) for a fantastic presentation this morning. It’s great to get your insights into how you invest and why, and also a dive into some of companies you like. I hold most of those growth companies on your list that are in the red, and not enough of the ones in the green! I like the balance of your portfolio. Your weighted average ROE across your portfolio must look decent. Have you ever worked it out?




11 months ago

@Rick thanks for the kind words Rick. I just hope it is of interest. i haven't worked out the ROE of the portfolio, it would be high though, well above any cost of capital measure. remember it is the maintenance of a high ROE while adding more capital that is the really attractive outcome. regards Shawn


11 months ago

I'll second that @Rick -- great work @Solvetheriddle

You can access the slides here:

Solvetheriddle slides Sep2023.pdf


11 months ago

Agreed @Rick, really useful summary of some recent results and outlooks from @Solvetheriddle.

Also some good nuggets on thinking about process and markets in general.

Good to see @Strawman being gentle with members in the hot seat, will hopefully bring some more of the 'Straw brains trust' into the meetings section.


11 months ago

Only just got around to watching Shaun's preso. Thanks so much Shaun, I appreciate you sharing your experience, knowledge and some of your portfolio holdings.

I'd love to hear from you in another year and review how things are going.

I unashamedly ride on the shoulders of giants as my investing knowledge is rudimentary but I'm learning fast thanks to members like you and of course our very own Strawman

Thanks again...UW