Forum Topics Resmed Vs Weight loss Drug
7 months ago

Not really weighing in on either side of the argument but an interesting bit of info on the whole shebang. Who knew Shiritaki noodles could do the same as Ozempic?

For decades, weight-loss drugs have been a disappointment, delivering ineffective or even dangerous treatments. The recent arrival of drugs that are both effective and safe is therefore a medical milestone. Some now talk of a long-term future in which obesity might be cured. That is no small claim: obesity is a serious global problem, with 1.1bn people, or roughly 14% of the world’s population, being obese.

In 2024 the two companies, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, will battle for dominance of what could be a $77bn market by 2030. Their drugs Wegovy (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) are going to be blockbusters. The size of the market is attracting a lot of competition and innovation. More than 70 other obesity treatments are in development, according to stat, a medical news site. Most firms are chasing the same idea, namely glucagon-like peptide 1 (glp-1) agonists. These mimic the hormones the body produces after a meal, thus regulating glucose in the blood, which is why glp-1 drugs worked so well to treat diabetes.

Unexpectedly, though, glp-1 drugs also work on weight loss. They do this by slowing down the rate of “gastric emptying”, keeping people fuller for longer. They also affect the brain’s hypothalamus, which controls hunger. And they seem to make fat more likely to break down. Although glp-1 will probably continue to be the primary target for new medications, some firms are exploring additional cellular targets in the hope of making ever more effective drugs that shed ever higher percentages of body fat.

Ray Stevens, the boss of Structure Therapeutics, says the challenge is to ensure patients tolerate the medicine and find it easy to use. A number of firms, including his, are chasing oral versions of glp-1 drugs. They are betting that oral drugs will be cheaper to make and deliver, and will be more tolerated by patients, who don’t like injecting themselves. Novo Nordisk hopes to deliver a new oral version of semaglutide as early as 2024.

The drugs have proved so popular that demand has continually exceeded supply. Supply is likely to improve in 2024, but shortages of the medications are expected to continue. glp-1 drugs are generally regarded as safe but there are risks of gastrointestinal complications such as pancreatitis and bowel obstructions. Another quibble is durability. The drugs have to be taken continuously to keep weight off. Amgen, which is developing a longer-lasting drug, will get results from phase-2 trials in the coming year.

Human trials may also start in 2024 on a one-time gene-therapy glp-1 drug, which triggered a 23% weight loss in obese mice. Biotech Fractyl Health, based in Lexington, Massachusetts, injected the drug into the pancreas, allowing mice to make their own glp-1 agonists. This sort of research will need many years of work before it is deemed safe and effective in humans. Gene therapy also poses the challenge that, unlike with a medication, patients cannot stop taking it if there are unwanted side-effects.

One factor driving interest from doctors is that obesity is increasingly seen as a medical, rather than cosmetic, concern. A recent paper on Wegovy showed that it can reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events, such as strokes and heart attacks, by 20%. Given widely, weight-loss injections in America could prevent hundreds of thousands of heart failures. Globally, such drugs could transform public health. In 2024, more data on the health impacts of obesity medicines will bolster the case for prescribing these drugs.

Ahmed Ahmed, a reader in metabolic surgery at Imperial College London, says he expects a flurry of consumer interest in nutraceuticals, such as konjac fibres, that enhance or amplify the body’s own gut-peptide systems. Those who have been lucky enough to be able to get hold of prescription glp1 drugs are, says Mr Ahmed, “reasonably happy with them, as long as they don’t expect too much weight loss”. The catch, though, is that you have to keep taking them. He says one patient has likened the psychological need to take the drug to an opiate addiction. But eventually, taking a cheap oral drug every day may become widely accepted. For now, the revolution is just beginning


7 months ago

Nice summary @Chagsy.

You reminded me of a couple of enlightening podcasts I listed to recently on this topic.

Derek Thompson (from the Atlantic - and Stratechery) is very science based and always has interesting opinions on tech.

In the below 2 pods he interviews a few knowledgeable parties who have differing views on the current state and likely implications for health and economic outcomes.

The Weight-Loss Drug Revolution, Part 1: Why These Drugs Work So Well

How Weight-Loss Drugs Could Impact U.S. Health Care and Food. Plus, the Biggest Problems With GLP1s.

9 months ago

The below is from Seeking alpha, and i post this article out of interest. usually, i am wary of comments from analysts i don't know or haven't been following for a while. however the below did catch my eye. hopefully not confirmation bias, i admit to being influenced by FOMO, impatience but not anchoring (that just not rational), confirmation dont know? lol

maybe the narrative is starting to even out

Weight loss drugs' impact is based on hype not reality - RBC

04:43 PM | (PFE) | By: Jonathan Block, SA News Editor

Despite recent prognostications that a class of drugs increasingly being used for weight loss is a threat to food and beverage stocks, RBC Capital Markets said the concern is largely unwarranted.

Side effects, inconsistent refill rates which indicate compliance may be an issue, and the potential for payor pushback all means that some sentiment on the impact of GLP-1 agonist drugs on the consumer sector has gone overboard.

Medications in this category include Novo Nordisk's (NVO) Wegovy (semaglutide) and Ozempic (semaglutide), and Eli Lilly's (NYSE:LLY) Mounjaro (tirzepatide).

"Unlike clinical studies, insights from real-world use of these drugs imply weight loss can be limited or short-lived as a result, making it difficult for some users to justify the treatment's lofty price tag," RBC analyst Nik Modi said. "Recent insurance claims data on 4k+ patients who started taking GLP-1s in 2021 indicate only 32% remained on therapy and just 27% adhered to treatment after 1 year, citing an increase in healthcare costs."

He mentioned one study on 3.3k subjects that found after a year on the drugs, patients saw an average of just 4.4% weight loss. That is significantly less than declines cited by Novo Nordisk (NVO) and Eli Lilly (LLY) in their studies.

Also, he said IQVIA data found that the growth in GLP-1s is due mostly to new prescriptions, not refills, "making us question its sustainability."

Given this information, "we believe GLP-1s have genuine hurdles to prolonged use that have the potential to limit their long-term societal/economic impact."

To back up his argument, Modi provided several real-life examples of drugs or products where hype that it would shake up a consumer segment ended up falling flat. One was Pfizer's (PFE) Chantix (varenicline), which was approved in 2006 and heralded as a breakthrough smoking cessation drug.

Many thought it would negatively impact tobacco stocks. It didn't. The drug was linked to several psychiatric side effects, including hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, and even suicidal ideation and attempts. Uptake of Chantix was blunted.

He also mentioned Beyond Meat (BYND) as company whose meat alternative products were seen as a threat to traditional beef and other animal products. Through hype, the stock reached an all time high of ~$235 in July 2019. The stock closed at $6.84 on Friday.


9 months ago

I agree that Ozempic is likely to be a fad, but one shouldn’t overlook the lag in it coming to fruition, particularly when you are dealing with image/beauty issues. The long term results suggested for Ozempic also apply to Jenny Craig Weight Loss ( which folded in Oz recently, but after some 30+ years) and Weight Watchers which is still trading.

Creams, potients, Botox etc will always have a market as we humans age and as we do, we want the benefits of the fountain of youth. I’m 72, and I can remember my grandmother using bucket loads of Oil of Ulan. It’s still in the market today - not used by me, I hasten to add - happy to grow old disgracefully.


9 months ago

Probably best to look at potential (indirect) beneficiaries of the weight loss drugs rather than seeing if market is right or wrong about Resmed? Or even trends towards healthy living that may impact the RMD thesis. Unless of course Resmed has some hidden poker card apart from sleep apnoea that we know nothing about.

10 months ago

Not too sure if @mikebrisy posted this or not, but this is an interview with Rob Douglas COO RMD with BoA.

covers Gm issues, as well as GP-1, which is about 30 minutes long, interesting


10 months ago

@Solvetheriddle yes this is the same presentation my last straw was based off, but my report was from the transcript, as I didn’t have a link to the webcast.

The key themes are also repeated to some extent in the recent GS research which puts some quantification around impacts and makes me very comfortable to ride this one out.

If $RMD wasn’t already a top-5 holding of mine, I’d have loaded up even more today, as I consider the good news reported from the halted CT is already well and truly baked in to the SP.

As I’ve said before, various CT results and registrations for GLH-1s can be expected to drive volatility for the foreseeable future. The ship will be steadies over time based on evidence of $RMD results, but I expect considerable evidence will be required for multiple restoration. Potentially years.

Looks like we are also going to see the same at $CSL. As @Strawman ‘s note details clearly, $CSL’s multiple was priced for strong, uninterrupted growth. Having 8% of revenue exposed to GLP-1 success in CKD has an immediate effect on multiple contraction, even if we don’t see any material impact on results or guidance (which was unchanged at AGM cf. FY23).

I also hold a large RL position in CSL and am not moving.

The following numbers are from memory, and therefore directional only:

  • pre Vifor announcement, $CSL SP was almost $300
  • Today, it’s less than $240
  • Todays SP fall was c, -A$8bn … Vifor was acquired for A18.8bn/$US$11.7 (corrected from $10-11bn which I wrote last night from memory) when interest rates were near zero

I’m highly skeptical that GLP-1 impact on CKD wipes out the lion’s share of Vifor’s total value. It’s way too early for that. (I’m going to correct this statement too: I’m somewhat sceptical that the CT trial result justifies wiping off $40% of the value of Vifor. Moreover, were Vifor to be acquired in today’s interest rate environment, the starting value might be more like $14-15bn, so the markdown is over 50%. Hard to see a 6% SP correction from already depressed levels when it’s only 8% of CSL revenue that’s at risk.)

So, it’s all about multiple contraction, because the quality of growth is in question and, as with $RMD, it will take time (years) for that question to be answered.

This is where you find out if you really are a long term investor. Don’t expect relief any time soon.


10 months ago

This is a great article. Author is very bearish RMD


10 months ago

@steno author is certainly a true believer, gives the bull case for the weight loss drug use the full blast. i did think of another short for him CCX lol.

also i noticed the PE he had for RMD was incorrect, then i realised the RMD SP is down 37% since this article was written, although if he is correct and the full bear case evolves then there is further to go

10 months ago

I dont listen to too many fund managers, but i do listen to Airlie (dont always agree with them)

Emma Fisher gives a pretty good assessment of RMD in this podcast around the 25 minute mark. on Livewire - Saturday 7 October 2023&utm_content=Trending on Livewire - Saturday 7 October 2023+CID_1b5302dacb2ff9d56c5a3b482f6dcac9&utm_source=campaign monitor


10 months ago

This was a great listen agree. I have to say I was impressed as a medico on the handle that Emma had on the medical side of it all. To go into AHI in understanding severity of OSA and likely response to weight loss was more than I would have expected


10 months ago

Thanks for sharing !


10 months ago

I came across this and parked it to a side, but will prioritise it now :)