Forum Topics ANO ANO Takeover

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Added 9 months ago

Lev wanting to take it private at $0.97

Shows how managment buying lots on market can still end badly for the common shareholder!

9 months ago

It’s a terrible outcome for anyone who hung their hat on Lev taking care of the little guy.

9 months ago

This is fascinating. Clearly Lev, who presumably knows more about the business than just about anyone, sees compelling value at 97c. Then again, judgement here could be clouded by ego -- and Lev perhaps has a surplus of that. He's also been involved in all manner of legal disputes and tiffs over the years, not all of which could be considered rational.

With an existing shareholding of over 50%, it seems like this is a done deal. And maybe even presents an arbitrage opportunity (there's a 4.3% premium on the current market offer price of 93c).

One of the best things about being a public company is access to capital, and ANO has only $325k in cash. It is CF positive and has $35m in net tangible assets, but presumably Lev feels it can be self funding, or he can meet any potential shortfall himself or find a suitable lender.

Anyway, interesting stuff. But as @AlphaAngle has said, not a great outcome for other shareholders..


9 months ago

Has ANO ever done a cap raise? If not, then it seems there is little point for it to be listed and public trading is just extra uncessary costs.

I feel for all the minority shareholders.


9 months ago

A fascinating case study.


The share price has now round-tripped over a 5 year period. While Lev has increased his stake from 44.5% to 51.4% over the same period at higher prices than where it is now. He's done it through a combination of buying on market, rights issues that he underwrites, and dividend reinvestment plans.

As small-microcap investors, we love management with skin-in-the-game, are highly aligned, are highly incentivised, and with a previous track record in business success (Tamawood). As @Strawman mentioned, a lot of the time we presume that management know more than we do, and have better judgement when they accumulate stock.

However post-2019, the company has missed pretty much all the guidance numbers its given, got into a dispute with the ASX over price sensitive announcements and trading halts on a covid mouth spray that didn't eventuate into any revenue, threatened to delist from the ASX in favour of the Nasdaq, provided numerous reasons for slow sales (reduced overseas travel during 2020-22, opening up overseas warehouses), etc and so forth.

This is an example where having highly aligned management doesn't always work out.

I should add the intended proposal from Lev is to acquire an additional 18.4% of the shares outstanding to take him up to 70%. So it's a partial takeover proposal, and I guess the stock will still continue to trade on the ASX.


9 months ago

Good question @AUROPAL -- they listed in 2005 (prospectus here) with 165m shares, and today have 62m outstanding. So maybe they did a consolidation at some stage. In fact, they've been through a few changes over the years, so maybe that's a reflection of mergers/divestments and the like?

I started to look, but it's a laborious process.. others might know?


9 months ago

ah yes, great summary @mushroompanda

I did assume the company would delist, but you might be right!


9 months ago

@AUROPAL @Strawman There were a few small capital raised via entitlement issues around 2018 and 2019. There was also a stock consolidation around 2017.