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Added 8 months ago

Looks like Praemium undergoing some recovery after large sell down from an update relating to negative EBITDA growth and cost increases


Coupled with the ongoing and relatively high rate of inflation that persists, it is expected that operating costs in this current half year will be around 10% higher than the previous half year – i.e. January to June. The one- off, non -recurring costs are expected to amount to around $1 million over the full year.

Based on the impact of these costs and the revenue margin decline mentioned earlier, we currently expect that EBITDA for the first half of FY24 will be approximately 20% lower than the corresponding half last year.

Shares down to all time low of 36c from 58c but now recovered to 44c

There is also an ongoing buyback happening.

Remember that PPS received a takeover from NWL. Would NWL be interested again? Seems interesting here given the history for anyone interested in takeover arbitrage.

The other question is who sold down the shares indesicriminately to 36c last week. Could be Vanguard being the largest holder but there hasn't been an update as yet.

8 months ago

I reckon Vanguard only do ETFs, not discretionary (active) managed funds, so I'd assume that whatever Vanguard hold is for their ETFs and they would be unlikely to sell a heap unless either there had been a big run on one or more ETFs that hold PPS or else PPS had been removed from an index or industry group. PPS didn't move in or out of any indices in September (see here for that announcement) and the December rebalance hasn't been announced yet. Details will probably be announced on December 1st (or 4th) for an effective date of somewhere around December 18th or 19th. But Vanguard would not make those sort of moves ahead of an announcement anyway.

PPS dropped 20.5 cps (or -35.34%) to 35.5c (from a 58 cps close the day before) on the 22nd November, the day of their AGM, as you pointed out @edgescape . And they have bounced a little, but they haven't recovered.


Their AGM Presentation didn't paint a very rosy picture. See here: PPS-2023-AGM---Chairman-and-CEO-Address.PDF

Slide 13 was designed to show that the trajectory of their Platform Revenue Margins is upward sloping (only just) however while they've managed to get some upward sloping trend lines, the actual margins are below those trendlines and are tiny - being a "Total Platform" revenue margin of just 0.25%.

The next slide (slide 14), titled "Outlook" is probably the one that did the most damage. It starts off discussing additional costs that they expect to incur in FY24 and then says that their first half underlying EBITDA is expected to be around 20% below the prior corresponding half. The market is punishing both negative guidance and also actual results that miss guidance.

I would suggest that PPS has been guilty of both in recent years - they are more likely to overpromise and underdeliver than to underpromise and overdeliver. Plenty of punters just dumped them last Wednesday based on that outlook and moved on.

There have been some "bargain hunters" picking them up at around 40cps (+/- 5c) but I wouldn't expect that recovery to be sustained unless PPS can deliver some positive news.


8 months ago

The outlook is what I was highlighting in the CEO address which explains it crystal clear.

The CEO is stating the costs could be a one-off but it is very hard to say.

It does look like today there was a bit of bargain-hunting going on after stopping volume appeared the day before right at the lows,

Not sure if that's enough though because the volume is not large enough and I fear sellers might return despite the buyback happening.

Probably hoping NWL might come back to the table with another takeover offer.

Being held back from dipping in due to personal experience with Praemium products in my trading account that is used to calculate my tax calculations for shares.

Unfortunately it is not always correct so I need to scrape the Praemium PDF report into Excel and readjust some of the numbers.


8 months ago

Fair enough @edgescape - I have personally found that when people walk away from a takeover, they might come back one out of 4 or 5 times. I'm still holding Genex (GNX) and Skip Capital still hold 19.99% of Genex, but whether they come back again after walking away late last year from a 25 cps offer for GNX is a hope but also a total unknown. GNX closed at 18 cps today but they got down to 12.5 cps in August (just 3 months ago), being exactly half of that Skip/Stonepeak revised offer (they raised it from 23 to 25 cps before walking away just before Christmas). My guess would be that if Skip had another go, it could be at a lower price this time, and Genex would once again say it undervalues the company, and I would probably have to agree with them...