Forum Topics Charlie Munger
8 months ago

Poor Charlie's Almanack (2023) - new, revised edition online for FREE.

This is a simplified / more accessible version of the prior (3rd I think) Edition

I think this was supposed to be up for his 100th birthday but sadly he passed a few days before the release.

This is an amazing resource - Audio included too.

The Berkshire mode filters out all the funky graphics.

8 months ago

Thanks Charlie! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from this man and even went out of my way to invest in BRK.B directly (2018) to ensure my commitment to learn from him (and Warren). I've learned more from Charlie (in combination with Warren) than any other individual or institution in my life. In addition, I was a high school teacher in my former life and often reflect on how the state of public education has got it all wrong and is in a complete mess that seems to be compounding into the abyss at every level from the politicians to the universities, to the administration, to the teachers on the frontline. IMO, just following some of Charlie's principles and teaching them could save a lot of heartache and misery for younger generations to come.

8 months ago

Thank you @Strawman for your wonderful tribute to Charlie Munger in your email this weekend. I very much enjoyed reading it. I think it was very eloquently written.

I think you’ve drawn together the timeless principles we can learn from Charlie.

@thunderheadthanked Charlie for all the fish. I’d like to thank Charlie for teaching us how to fish.


8 months ago

Touche @Rick (though by fish I did mean all the wit and wisdom Charlie shared through his long life!).


8 months ago

Sorry for the slow reply (managed to steal a rare boys weekend with some friends!)

Thanks @Rick and @thunderhead. The hard part was keeping it short, there's so much you could say about Charlie.

8 months ago

Lots of great tributes to Charlie around the place today. But a highlight reel of some of his best quips is up there with the best:

(Click on image)
