Forum Topics Banging on about Bitcoin
8 months ago

Just finished watching the meeting recording and found it all very thought provoking. Thanks to all the participants. I agree that the crypto genie is out of the bottle and there ain’t no way of putting him back in. I own BTC, ETH, XRP, POL in a hard wallet and it was a lot of fun researching and learning about blockchain technology and following the debate for and against crypto until I reached my allocation limit (about 1% of my wealth) in 2022 and I have had to sit on my hands and quietly wait ever since; the fun stopped and I haven’t used my hard wallet for a long time and don’t expect to for a long time to come. POINT: 1% going to zero ain’t going to sink me but the possibility of going to the moon and beyond is just too compelling not to try.


8 months ago

Glad you enjoyed it @DVV1974 -- we did well to keep it under 2 hours :)

I'd just add that, for me, XRP, POL and probably even ETH (and in fact pretty much all 'crypto') are all extremely speculative and will likely trend towards zero in btc terms over the long run. See here.

As always, please push back if you have a different take. I could be missing something.


8 months ago

I don’t know if you are missing anything. My decision to explore outside of BTC was because of my crypto curiosity. Also, at some point in the meeting you said: What if I am wrong (about BTC not being a viable asset)? I asked myself a similar version of the question: What if I am wrong (that BTC is going to be the only one that makes it)? Hedging my bets since the BTC and crypto futures are unknown and whatever happens (good or bad) I’ll learn something along the journey on the way for sure (essentially capped at 1% at this point in time).