Forum Topics RDG RDG ASX Announcements

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Added 9 months ago

Snippet of today's announcement :

"Resource Development Group Ltd (RDG or Company), is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Central Systems Pty Ltd, has been awarded project work to the value of approximately $140m by Mineral Resources Limited subsidiary, CSI Mining Services on its Onslow Iron Project.

Work to be undertaken includes bridges/overpasses and approach roads, as well as concrete placement.

The project commercials were negotiated on an arm’s length basis with work to be completed by July 2024."

I find this particularly interesting as latest FY 23 annuals have rdg pulling $56m revenue. Digesting this news if there isn't an extra zero in that quoted project value work then $140m in revenue is a near tripling of annual revenue. This is in addition to ramping up Garnet operations which were not pulling any financial performance through June quarter.

7 months ago

15-Dec-2023: Came across some interesting stuff about RDG today @SaberX - it's run by Andrew Ellison (RDG's MD), the brother of Mineral Resources' (MinRes, MIN.asx) founder and MD Chris Ellison, and Chris Ellison's company, MinRes, owns 64.31% of Resource Development Group (RDG) - it was 66.77%, but it's recently been diluted down to 64.31% due to RDG issuing some new shares.

This was interesting:

Chris Ellison’s Mineral Resources awards $140 million to Andrew Ellison’s Resource Development Group

6b9bb264357c7c51a751ad1248e65173c94ec9.pngby Adrian Rauso, The West Australian, Thu, 12 October 2023, 7:14pm.



--- end of excerpt ---

RDG and MIN have both had share prices that have been in strong downtrends in 2023, however that's probably where the similarities end...


$66.78 vs 4.5 cents/share. Can anyone else smell a share consolidation coming, or is it just me...?

Further Reading:

The fumbles that led to Forge Group's demise (

4 lessons from the collapse of Forge Group (

What lies in store for RCR Tomlinson? Lessons from the collapse of Forge ( [11-July-2019]

Forge Group Limited (in Liquidation) | Omni Bridgeway

Legal action against collapsed Forge Group widens - Australian Mining [30-Sept-2014]


Founders leaving Forge in good shape ( [27-June-2012]


Ellison takes helm at RDG | The West Australian [11-March-2015]

Resource Development Group - Resource Development Group (

RDG 2022 AGM Presentation [28-Nov-2022]



Gina Rinehart and Chris Ellison talk about how good the canapés were, the weather, lithium, the footy over the weekend, lithium, whether red wine is really any better for you than white wine, spodumene prices, Perth real estate prices, Albemarle, if the lobsters were really fresh or frozen, the importance of family, SQM, whether the WA lockdowns were good or bad with the benefit of hindsight, lithium, and what a tosser Clive Palmer is.


4 months ago

Hi @Bear77 apologies I had missed this response.

Rdg recent half year has come out which would need some further digesting that I'm yet to do. You are correct in your findings. Rdg has had min res as a cornerstone holder for some time. I have held unfortunately as they were falling from grace from previous lofty financials , at one stage they were close to rock bottom until min res injected both funds and the tenements. I believe back then it was closer to rdg holder going to 25% of the new structure and min res close to 75% since diluted.

The free float is extremely low as of the original rdg holder Andrew Ellison and mgmt hold a large portion. Hence liquidity can cause large swings. It is also notoriously slow and quiet in releasing any updates. If anything I expect only statutory reporting during the year. Anything more is a positive as they hardly do any drum beating imho.

Traditionally they were involved in the mining space e.g. contract crushing and their central systems as you see is doing mining and civil works. But recent moves via min res have left me scratching my head and somewhat intrigued about what the game plan is (hence sticking around). They have to keep the lights on done some construction work in Perth for residential , and the recent Onslow work is a sub one year turnaround and I imagine marginal profit albeit a decent revenue boost. But they have commissioned a garnet project. Which according to feaaibilities previously was lucrative and long life. So far we have heard little of the calendar year 2023 ramp up originally slated (sep/Dec quarter it was meant to be up and running originally but it appears it is not at nameplate capacity and I presume isn't hitting strides yet ).

Alongside garnet they have purchased the company doing research into and having run a pilot plant extracting high purity alumina (from memory, I can't quite recall the names). And I believe extracting another battery mineral from clays and left over waste.

Alongside this they have the original manganese tenements which presumably were useless enough to min res to divest them in.

All in all it's a mishmash of projects and work and I can't quite work out if they are targeting an alternative route to the battery minerals market via the niche technology they're developing and supplementing that with the long life cash flows of garnet and their typical constructing and mining work that they've done since inception.

And then there's the manganese assets which look likely to be sitting there for some time.

If anyone else has a take on all of it I'd be glad to hear. It's all quite perplexing but being the Ellison brothers I am somewhat intrigued and holding out trying to work out the overall game plan. If the garnet project hits strides I presume a reasonable steady flow of profit will ensue. Admittedly I have no knowledge of the garnet market or how lucrative it would be so appreciate any comments.


4 months ago

Can't help you with Garnet @SaberX - not something I follow at all, however I have seen similar companies to RDG which I think remains listed on the ASX only because Chris Ellison of MinRes wants to give his brother Andrew something to do. RDG is likely being run more as a family office investment company, and I don't think ordinary retail shareholders are a high priority or are seriously considered during their decision making. You can get lucky and time your entry and exit in such companies so that you do make money, but you can also lose a heap, because they tend to be low quality companies, unlike MinRes which I do hold. Chris divested MIN's manganese assets because he didn't see any immediate or near-term benefit from holding onto them, but he didn't let them drift too far away clearly, as MIN's 64.31% position in RDG means that RDG is technically considered to be a subsidiary of MIN. However MIN's m/cap is $12.5 Billion and RDG's market cap is $100 million, so MinRes (MIN) is 125 x larger than RDG and the 64.31% of RDG than MIN owns represents just over 0.5% (half of one per cent) of MIN's market capitalisation, so virtually immaterial to MIN shareholders, but very material to Andrew Ellison.

I don't know Chris personally, however what I have heard is that he's a hard man to do business with, in terms of being ruthless and always getting the best deal for himself and MinRes, however he is apparently very loyal and reasonably generous to his own employees, mates, family and friends, so it doesn't surprise me that he has used MinRes to support his brother Andrew. While I share an interest in RDG and what they're up to, and where they're going, I'm happy to be following them from the sidelines. I don't want to risk any of my investable capital in a company that doesn't have a clear business strategy and a good track record of positive TSR. MinRes on the other hand does have a very positive track record of Total Shareholder Returns even if their business strategy changes somewhat from time to time.