Forum Topics Merry Christmas Strawpeople!
6 months ago

All the Best for the New Year,

This is an interesting Collaboration.

6 months ago

Merry Christmas all!

I hope you all get the chance to eat and drink too much, and maybe get into some good natured arguments with various relatives.

I've been carefully honing my property rant over the year. Uncle Jim won't know what hit him! ;)

6 months ago

Merry Christmas to all straw people.

Wishing you all a happy holiday and a prosperous new year. It has been great year following everybody’s contributions, analysis and commentary. There is no question it has all helped immensely with my investment decisions. 

Thank you all????????


7 months ago

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Thanks for all the fish!

I'm very grateful to have access to this community so thanks @Strawman and thanks @ everyone else.

Mistakes for the year/realisations:

Going into the year I had 35 holdings IRL. Too many. I had the practice of taking small (0.5% - 1%) holdings in speculative but interesting stocks in order to help me follow them. These have generally ended badly and I've ended up selling with thesis/hopes broken.

I'm coming around to the view that a more concentrated portfolio of stocks that I know better is more likely to do well. And also I note that my three biggest winners this year Droneshield, Stealth and Audinate have done very well but could have accounted for a larger proportion of my portfolio had I not been dabbling in 'interesting' stories...

Live and learn

Best wishes,
