Forum Topics Secular Tailwinds - shortage of residential property
7 months ago

Thought bubble alert - you’d have to be living under a rock not to be aware of the deficit in residential building in Australia right now exacerbated by the (?cynical) pumping of short term migration over the last 12 months.

Stated policy is to build 5 bajillion houses over the next 10 years.

there must be a way to ride this very obvious thematic over the mid - long term. Is it building supplies firms like Boral/CSR? Is it builders? A lot of builders seem to be going broke but then perhaps that’s the setup that allows for better margins for those who were well run prior to the crunch…

this is all very first order thinking I’m aware but keen on thoughts on how to play the population and building shortage issue in Australia…

oh of course @Strawman yolo into investment property!