Forum Topics EUR EUR Bull Case

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Added 7 months ago

I noted that @PinchOfSalt had put in an order for EUR the other day.

I have been working quietly with EUR for about two years and although I am under an NDA, I can help with questions relating to the company that is in the public domain, which includes the BFS and its 902 pages.

Happy to answer any queries if anyone is interested, suffice to say I think 30c plus is a reasonable target over the next three months. The Nasdaq listing is now a done deal, the SIZZLE shareholder vote is just a 21 day delay. I think bell ringing around 24th to 26th of January.

Transaction value is 88c, assume half and take off the ASX "we don't value anything" principle and you can see how my number comes out.

7 months ago

From memory escrow is 90 days.


7 months ago



I'm yet to go through the financials of the deal so might have a few more questions.

It's definitely more complicated than the standard merger or acquisition especially the part where they suddenly get a huge chunk of equity from the merger.

Even though this is Tony Sage who seems to have more interest running football clubs than empire-building, I'm trying to keep an open mind.

7 months ago

There are three main reasons that this stock isn't already near it's value:

  1. Nobody in Australia believed a mining company could pull off a SPAC merger. The naysayers are now running for cover and I was in a conversation with a big Perth broker over the holidays and the fact EUR has pulled it off will certainly make more Australian companies consider it as an option.
  2. The project is in Austria and in the early days every excuse was thrown at it, like the snow will go yellow if somebody pees on it and other nonsense.
  3. The Directors have a "fame" particularly here in the West that puts many off, but this is the big home run. Of course those who made big dollars previously with these people kept quiet whilst the few who got in too late and lost money wanted to burn them at the stake.

The project has much to like. An off take agreement with BMW for 50% of their requirements. A soon to be finalised deal with the Saudis to basically get a free carried 50% in a Lithium Hydroxide processing plant. They have their foot on the biggest lithium deposit in Europe also, unfortunately a little south of Kyiv, but hopefully one day Ukraine will be at peace and this will be a huge asset to be developed to help finance Ukraine.

There are many other things to like, not least the fact the SIZZLE partner in the SPAC will vote to proceed to the Nasdaq bell ringing on the 23rd Jan. That is a fait accompli.

I know a LOT about this project, happy to share and help and the 902 pages of the BFS is public so that covers many answers I can give.

The US fundies wake up from Xmas pud later this week so expect some more strong buying interest.

Value at listing is reported as 88c, throw in the ASX mentality factor and 30 to 40 is where I believe it's going. I have a good lump of EUROA but they are running out of time, but not an issue as I have plenty of funds to exercise if need be. I have had some very good wins on ASX, but this will be by far the best.

DYOR and feel free to ask questions.

7 months ago

@Rudyboy @PinchOfSalt - EUR getting $750M in this transaction seems a lot for a company with a MC of $135M. Why haven't more people jumped on this as it seems like a slam dunk? Of course there are always question marks with "slam dunks". Article attached for interested members to read - EUR critical metals corp f4 is effective1703718000pdf.pdf


disc - suddenly interested!

7 months ago

Sometimes you just need to be lucky LOL.

I am currently finishing the review of the 902 pages of the BFS as part of some work we will be doing. Can't say more than that.

But what I can say is, this project is happening, the F4 effectiveness is essentially what you need to get the Nasdaq listing done. There is a vote by the SIZZLE SPAC shareholders to come on 23rd January, but that is a fait accompli, they have already voted three times to do it.

The mine already exists underground in Austria and operated for some time before being moth-balled. The funds raised by EUR over the next couple of months will finance the mine set-up and the spodumene alpha plant on site. The Saudi company Obeikan has put U$350m on the table to build the Lithium Hydroxide plant in Saudi and EUR gets a 50% free carried interest in this.

I strongly suspect the Saudis have much bigger ambitions in the battery lithium space so watch this space. I expect I will be heading to Austria, Germany and Saudi in January on this project but happy to field any queries.

Currently sitting around 10c and I would expect at least 30c in a fairly short time frame, say up to 3 months.