Forum Topics Tune Out The Noise - Documentary Film
7 months ago

Anyone interested in watching the documentary film “Tune Out The Noise” by Errol Morris (about David Booth, Eugene Fama, Rex Sinquefield, etc) then you can watch it for free (till January 31st) at using the access code “RATIONAL”

"Tune Out the Noise is a documentary film about a group of unlikely upstarts who crossed paths at the University of Chicago in the middle of the 20th century, just as computers were first being used to analyze data. That serendipitous, monumental shift enabled them to develop, and then apply, research that turned Wall Street upside down, from its ineffectual investing methods to how those were sold to the public

It’s a story about how finance became a science and challenged the traditional methods of investing. That, in turn, led to the invention of index funds, the founding of Dimensional Fund Advisors—an investment firm dedicated to implementing the science—and the evolution of client-focused financial advice. These advances have benefited generations of investors"


7 months ago

Good find @Remorhaz -- that's tonight's viewing sorted!

I recently saw Dumb Money, which I can highly recommend.


7 months ago

Thanks, just watched. Munger would be rolling over in his grave watching this lol.

"You can't pick a good microcap from a bad one ahead of time, the stock market is simply too informationally efficient"... hmmm... Hard to find an Australian small cap manager that doesn't outperform the small ordinaries index.

They did a lot of good of course but always hard to watch academics like this when they're so sure of themselves when a lot of what they did was datamining and when shown other data they don't all seem to update their own beliefs either. That said fund managers aren't any better.

Separately, I always find Dimensional fascinating, I believe if you're financial advisor you're only meant to recommend their funds and you have to do a course with them before you can. I could be wrong on that.


7 months ago

On other films to watch - Air on Prime is pretty good on Nike - in particular signing Jordan which was company changing.


7 months ago

I enjoyed this quote - "when you do a PhD you learn more and more about less and less, until eventually you know everything about nothing; with an MBA you learn less and less about more and more, until eventually you know nothing about everything" :)