Forum Topics Sophisticated Investors
6 months ago

Thought I throw these two points out to get @Strawman opinion ????. The second one in particularly made me laugh. I only today learned that it’s based on assets and your home is included!!!

Now over to you Andrew…

Sophisticated investor status in Australia faces tighter wealth thresholds

Rising house prices have swelled the ranks of sophisticated investors


6 months ago

It's too overt to say "rich", and "sophisticated" has a much nicer ring to it. Haha

It's one of those things that has good intentions, but you could argue it just keeps the 'riff raff' out of opportunities the wealthy get to enjoy.

Or, in many cases, it stops shills flogging crappy financial products to those least able to wear the inevitable loss..

I think it's madness to include the family home. I'm assuming it's the net value after accounting for the mortgage? But wouldn't surprise me if it's just the gross market estimate.