Forum Topics TIP TIP What am i missing

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Added 6 months ago

Having watched the online meeting a couple of times i found myself compelled to dig deeper and have read the last few annual reports and all of the most recent announcements. This is a high quality team with a dedicated long term focus and a proven track record of outperforming the market with team invest over many years! Growing revenue and earnings to boot! Had had next to no love over the past year or 2! What on earth am i missing. It seems to be a great opportunity for a long term minded investor! Currently on 6x earnings. Can someone point out the bear case for me please?

6 months ago

Very helpful thanyou all! This is exactly why im a strawman member!

6 months ago

Hi @silky84 I have no strong opinion on TIP group, but just some high level observations to play devils advocate.

1.    “This is a high quality team with a dedicated long term focus and a proven track record of outperforming the market with team invest over many years!”

Where is this proven track record? Their listed history does not suggest this at all. You may be confusing Team Invest, the investment group which is a investment club that invests in listed equities vs Teaminvest Private Group which is this listed entity that seems to be a conglomerate of small and medium private businesses and wealth management. Looking through the private equity holdings, there isn’t anything there that is super exciting, traffic control, trailer manufacture, structural steel fabrication, marketing agency, IT distribution, glass kitchen splashbacks, law firms etc.

2.    “Growing revenue and earnings to boot!”

In their first full year after listing their earnings was 7.32cps and FY23 was 3.05cps. Their latest annual report they say their “look through results” they have achieved Revenue CAGR since 2017 of 6% which is ok. ROE and ROC have also just been ok since listing about 8% each.

Other negative points:-

·      From my brief look, this is a difficult business to follow the cashflows. And the results half to half are all over the place.

·      Daily volumes are so low, it would be hard to buy a substantial stake.

Despite above, it only matters what happens from here. If they continue 6% pa rev growth and can improve earnings with a little more stability, it looks very cheap. 


6 months ago

@Silky84 I’m always interested in the stones Strawpeople are turning over in the hunt for possible gems. In this case though I’d have to agree with @Vandelay, and if we took the advice of Mark Moorland or Howard Coleman from the other Teaminvest, they would say your long term returns will eventually be close to the long-term ROE for that businesses. Looking at historical ROE for TIP it seems they got off to a reasonable start for 3 years up until 2021 with ROE improving to over 10%. Since then there performance has been erratic and has deteriorated (see chart).


Source: Commsec

It doesn’t pass my filters as a long term investment with the ROE as my first hurdle. However, if you have reason to believe its performance is about to improve significantly from here, they could be good buying at the current price which is only 0.6 x book value. Personally I prefer to see a track record of ROE consistently over 15% to meet investment grade. Teaminvest insist on a history of 5 years.

Cheers, Rick


6 months ago

I tend to agree @Vandelay

They seem to be trying to help investors better understand the company but for a while there they were just publishing the AR and not a whole lot more. Combing a trailer business and Julia Lee's investment co under the one umbrella is "interesting." I guess that's the biggest issue I have with TIP, there's a lot of motherhood statements about their "noble purpose" and an overuse of Buffett quotes but I can't work out why this thing is listed or what benefit a shareholder would get from being invested in what looks like a microcap conglomerate. Are they trying to replicate the capital allocation model of Berkshire?

I actually have a lot of time for Team Invest and have watched Howard and Mark (and @Strawman Andrew wayyy back on YMYC a decade or more ago) so I was pretty interested in this when it first listed but I don't know what to make of it. I'm happy to be proven wrong and hope they can hit it out of the park, because I think these guys are honest operators, but yeah, I just don't get it.