Forum Topics Strawman in Adelaide
6 months ago

@Strawman I thought I'd take the conversation over here to avoid forking the CBA discussion, after your outrageous Adelaide insult! :)

Don't worry, I'm not a proper Adelaidean yet! We only moved over here a couple of years ago (in Feb 2020 as luck would have it.) Yeah, Adelaide sure is a funny place. 

We moved here because we got sick of Melbourne --- I grew up there and I've had enough of it now. Just too many people there. But definitely, the cheap housing over here was an added bonus. We're still renting, but thinking about buying now.

It does feel like it's stuck in the 80s, or maybe even the 70s sometimes. It was only recently that the shops were allowed to open before 11:00 on Sundays! It's a slower-paced place, and it's really grown on me. I'm never moving back to Melbourne now. (We had to visit the family last Christmas, and that was enough.)

If you do find yourself down here, then maybe a Strawman meetup should be on the cards! And make sure you pick up a Yellow Pages!!


6 months ago

I actually don't mind a slower pace @AbelianGrape -- and I love 70's architecture, of which there seems to be a fair bit about in the Hills area (eg, this is my idea of cool). So much better than the blocky McMansion style that is in vogue now (and MUCH better built too, I might add).

It's definitely on the cards, but we're trying to secure something in the Blue Mountains -- hopefully find out today if we're successful. If that falls over, there's a good chance we'll be heading south!

(On a separate note, if I ever have to deal with a RE agent again it'll be too soon. I think they're physically incapable of giving a straight and honest answer.. Grrrr!)

Anyway, it's been a massive distraction just as all these ASX reports are coming out. Really appreciate all those who have posted summaries and thoughts on what's come out so far -- keep up the great work!


6 months ago

Good luck strawman! Hope it all goes through.

I'm excited to have you back in the property market making your way up the ladder...


6 months ago

haha @Vandelay

I just hope it is a ladder and not an elevator shaft!

If I know my luck, any purchase we make will mark the top of the market... Time to get your short positions ready people!


6 months ago

Surely there is an ETF for Australian residential housing futures