Forum Topics EUR EUR #Trading Halt ......Still

Pinned straw:

Added 5 months ago

Have been watching this closely for a couple of months and the extension of the Trading Halt is surely not a good sign.

I'm not sure if @Rudyboy is in a position to shed any light on the situation, but was wondering if anyone else has had EUR in their sights and if they have a crystal ball as to the future.

5 months ago

If you are watching closely you would know the SIZZLE price danced around last night. That is because the company is in what's know as DeSPAC. This is the last chance for people to withdraw funds and the last opportunity for funds to rebalance. This should go on till I think Monday night. Vote is on Wed night and then NASDAQ listing follows pretty much straight away.

5 months ago

Since I’m fairly new here I chucked some SM funds towards it to see how things like this (random strawman tips) play out. There’s been a bit of chat about it at HotCopper but I can’t seem to get my account activated?? Announcements very opaque, sorry I can’t provide any extra info.