Forum Topics WOW WOW ASX Announcements

Pinned straw:

Added 5 months ago

WOW....(pardon the pun)...Big news coming from WOW this morning.

  • CEO Brad Banducci to retire in September
  • $0.47 Dividend declared
  • Key earnings metrics from the announcement this morning with marginally increased EBIT and NPAT from H23
  • NZ Food division still struggling
  • Big W minor declines in sales but 60% decline in EBIT

I'm reluctant to buy back in at this stage, just waiting for the Senate inquiry to play out to consider dipping my toes back in again.


5 months ago

Big news indeed @shadow

Apparently Brad's retirement was already in the works, but it has an extra dimension to it following the 4 Corners story.

Overall group margins look to have shrunk, with group EBIT up 3.3% on a 4.4% lift in sales. (btw Interesting to note the word margins only appears 5 times in the 48 slide presentation!)

That's because of some weakness in Big W and NZ, which collectively make up 18% of total sales.

The Australian Food Segment however -- which accounts for >70%, saw a near 1% lift in the gross margin, which was nearly a full percent higher.

I don't know if gouging is the right word, probably not, but hard to argue they aren't flexing their pricing power. Which, I suppose, is one of the key parts of a good bull thesis. The question is to what degree, if any, there will be any regulatory action.

I suspect little at the end of the day.

fwiw, the 'solution' to higher food inflation is to foster more competition, imo, rather than to over-regulate the incumbents (which, ironically, tend to ultimately benefit from the regulatory barrier that is constructed!)

I'm not sure you can take one data point and say that this half shows price-gouging, but Aussie supermarkets definitely have higher margins on average than their peers in the US. Compare Woolies supermarket segment with the average US supermarket (from McKinsey)


Average US supermarket margins



5 months ago

Was listening to baby giants where you were talking aabout this strawman (you need to get that microphone fixed - it seems to happen a bit lately). I agree that WOW has definitely got some pricing power in what is effectively a duopoly but only such that it doesnt push the pollies / regulators in using their levers to send messages to the crowd that they are fighting these evil duopolys. I think this one of those nuances of investing where the theory / objective analysis of margins, economic power etc can ignore the reality that public opinion can lead to a political reaction and why WOW has such a big spend on PR. If there is one thing a pollie loves its being able to bash a big business and blame them for the "cost of living crisis"