Forum Topics EVS EVS Water merge into Industrial

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Added 3 months ago

Just saw the news this morning that EVS are merging their water products in under Industrial.

While I can see the synergies from a GtM perspective and hopefully they have a reduced cost of sale overall, it will be a shame not to be able to track Water's growth independently of the other product lines.

Albeit off a small base, my investment thesis has been that Water is the wildcard in the portfolio with potentially very large growth driving the future of this business.

  • Aviation doesn't feel like a growth business (and frankly, I'm a bit sick of the moaning about the "one off churn event" as churn is a reality in ARR businesses that has to be expected and growth needs to cover for it).
  • While Industrial is growing nicely, the challenge with that business seems to be the impact on metrics (shift in margins) as EVS are needing to borrow money to finance a bunch of site instruments rather than a pure software sale. So more and more I suspect that part of the business will put negative pressure on gross profit (and eventual earnings multiple once this company has more reliable profitability).


3 months ago

Just getting on a plane, but this feels like an operational rejig that's being made out to be more important than it probably is.

Sure, cost savings are nice, and product bundling makes sense. Not really complaining, I get it. Let's hope they keep reporting in a way that lets us track the success of Water within the industrials segment.


3 months ago

Yep an announcement for the sake of announcement, I really hope they are not looking at the sp decline and trying to arrest it. This information could have been provided as part of quarterly or other, not even sure why it is tagged market sensitive


3 months ago

The cynic in me spots a possible red flag here. I could be wrong, but I have a hunch they want to incorporate reporting into Industrial because the water thematic on its own has been disappointing and is struggling to get the traction they are after.

Time will tell. Management have previously said that this is the year water will have a 'breakout' and start to gain some traction. My take is we are likely to see the opposite, with water continuing to struggle.

I lost patience with EVS and sold a few months ago. No regrets, and I read announcements like today and am glad with the decision I made, but I genuinely hope the business starts to gain traction in a way that allows it to scale.