Forum Topics Truckin
4 months ago

Not really an investment idea but I found this interview with Martin Daum a.k.a. Arnie CEO of Daimler Truck (ETR:DTG) a pretty fascinating insight into how a key player in the trucking business thinks about the decarbonisation trajectory of their industry. Specifically, electrification versus hydrogen - spoiler alert: both can be winners and that it will be cheaper to do both than to do one. But relative adoption will depend on regional factors, distance travelled, predictability of routes (I take from this that Australia will likely end up with a disproportionately high use of hydrogen).

Also, he is refreshingly pragmatic. He makes the point that no-one buys a truck for shits and giggles. You buy a truck because you need a truck. But, you can usually delay the purchase of a truck (maybe by sweating existing assets harder). However, you can't do that forever and will need to buy a truck a year or two later.

In regards to incentives he argues the cost of carbon is too low and he makes the case for carbon-based tolling. Hard to imagine his Australian counterparts making the same argument!