Forum Topics EVS EVS Funding facility extenson

Pinned straw:

Added 2 months ago

Looks like Jason has continued to stick by his word (kudos) in not raising capital.

Instead they have extended their debt finance facility by $5m to $12.5m (up from $7.5m).

Fairly straight bat, forward-defense type stuff in the communication. In the announcement Jason has noted:

“We are pleased to announce the extension of the Facility, which remains strategically aligned with our core business objectives: driving growth, creating long-term customer value, and leveraging the increasing opportunity to bundle hardware and software into our Industrial customer contracts. This extension also funds our global inventory and working capital requirements. With this extension, the Company remains funded to pursue sustainable growth in our focus sectors as we transition to profitability. We currently have no plans to raise further capital to fund our organic growth.” 

Looks like they appear confident this debt facility can provide them enough liquidity to transition them through to profitability.

I haven't done a run on the numbers yet, but cash on hand in their most recent half-yearly was circa $5.5m , and from memory they should be fairly close to break-even.

I applaud Jason sticking by his word - now it's about executing and sailing through to profitability.

2 months ago

Yeah would have been the final straw for me @Seymourbutts if they were to do a cap raise.

I went back to the transcript from our last meeting with Jason in August of 2023, and asked my AI friend Claude what was said at the time:

Based on my review of the transcript, Jason Cooper made the following key points about Envirosuite's funding requirements:

1. He firmly believes that based on the company's current trajectory, they have sufficient funding and will not need to do a capital raise. 

2. However, he acknowledged that the market seems to be pricing in an expectation that Envirosuite will need to raise capital. He thinks this is why the share price reacted negatively despite the company delivering strong results.

3. Cooper said if they found a compelling reason to raise capital, they would come back to the market to present their case. But at the moment, they don't see a need to raise funds.

4. He highlighted the company's positive turnaround in cash usage over the last 12 months and the additional annual recurring revenue and project revenue as reasons they are well positioned going forward without needing more capital.

5. While not ruling it out completely, his view is that Envirosuite can avoid raising more equity capital through continued scrutiny of spending and driving improvements in the underlying business. He plans to continue delivering quarterly growth.

In summary, the CEO firmly expressed his belief that Envirosuite does not need to and is not planning to raise more equity funding in the near-term based on their current financial position and outlook, despite the market seeming to expect a capital raise.

Regarding Envirosuite's debt facility, Jason Cooper mentioned the following:

1. They have spoken about the option of taking on debt and how debt could support the company's growth.

2. In their business model, especially in the industrial space, some customers are asking Envirosuite to provide IoT equipment and include that in the subscription or annual recurring revenue model. While Envirosuite does this to support customers and drive growth and implementation, it comes at a cost to the company.

3. Cooper indicated that debt financing could help support the acquisition of this equipment to include in their recurring revenue model for customers.

4. He said they will likely make an announcement to the market within three months about the debt facility and what it looks like.

So in summary, Envirosuite is actively exploring taking on some debt financing to support their growth, especially in terms of providing IoT equipment to industrial customers as part of recurring subscription contracts. The company plans to inform the market about the details of a debt facility within the next three months.

So this is all consistent. Still, I would have preferred them not to need any additional capital and the cost of that money isn't cheap (at least 11.75%pa) -- although cheaper than a cap raise given the current share price. An optimistic view might be that they are needing to buy a lot of hardware to fulfil bundled contracts. And the lender (Pfg) seems to be happy to relax some of the terms which may be a reflection of their confidence with EVS.

Still, i'm very much ready to see some sustainable positive cash flows!

2 months ago

That's a lot of exy debt for a company that hasn't made a buck in almost a decade.

Smells a lot like the CEO made a silly promise about no more cap raises and has painted himself into a corner.

So they're paying:

1.5% establishment fee


They have been issued with warrants worth $1.25m with an exercise price of $0.055, but they have also issued a put option to the lender to sell those warrants back to the company at $1.25m at expiry. In effect another 10% of the value of the loan.
