Forum Topics VIT VIT CEO departure

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Added 3 months ago

Yesterday there was an announcement from the company saying the CEO Rodney Cocks is leaving. This will be interesting to see how market reacts because a lot of the turmoil and protest against the company was rightly or wrongly directed at him. Investors may see his departure as a good thing, which isnt normally the sentiment when a CEO leaves.

What made things even more complicated was the company went into a trading halt citing "the reason for the trading halt is in order for Vitura to make an announcement in respect of certain legal proceedings relating to a material contract". Did Rodney set the company ablaze on his way out the door, or is this a positive contractual news? Time will tell.

3 months ago

Well this doesnt sound good...



3 months ago

If I was still in the liquidation game (left it 40 years ago) I'd be front & centre on all the movers and shakers in VIT. It's got 'good night nurse' written all over it. And with all the moving parts & likely litigation, this job will go on for a few years - happy fee days - overseas trips, the Merc lease paid out & golf club membership assured for 3 years!