Forum Topics IRI IRI Signs of life

Pinned straw:

Added 2 months ago

This thing isn't dead just yet, apparently:


Still glad I sold out at ~$1.36 a few years ago (at a sizeable loss).

I'm still not sure of the relevance of their products these days, but with the company now guiding for $18-25m in EBITDA for FY24, the company was (prior to today's pop) on ~4x EBITDA and currently 5.2x

It piques the interest of my inner value investor, but that guy has led me into a number of poor investments. Sometimes things are cheap for a reason.

2 months ago

I remember selling out at $2.50 many moons ago...


2 months ago

The trading update didn't show anything changed from a business perspective from a quick scan (new product etc).


2 months ago

@edgescape no new products but it does show that their existing products are still relevant to the market, given 6 new customer wins worth $8.4m contract value.

@thunderhead i have those memories too, this was a solid little stock, before it fell off a cliff. There were some green shoots in the recent half year result, but I wasn’t convinced they had turned it around rather than just screwed down costs. They still have $20 odd million in cash as well. Definitely more interesting now than a year ago.