Forum Topics NXL NXL Over Excited

Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

For better or worse, I have adjusted my NXL price target an will be selling here with real money account. I took this from $1.78 to $2.80 in the real world and assess that today's announcement and subsequent price action is over-reaction to the upside. Happy to exit and go back to monitoring. Have submitted an exit-trade here in Strawman as well but not sure how it will close at end of day.

a month ago

@neke86_ Congrats on the trade. Nicely played

@Strawman The NXL chart seems to be having a glitch.

The "Average intrinsic value" and the "member valuations" on the graph seem to be misaligned.

Either that or I haven't had enough coffee.

Please correct me if I'm missing something. Peace.


a month ago

@Arizona only @neke86_ has been brave enough to offer a valuation estimate for Nuix, and it was raised to $2.80 today, hence that being the average IV estimate now - an average of one - and the system is looking at Friday's closing price when estimating the upside to that IV estimate (upside between the share price and that IV estimate) as the system has no access to real-time pricing (which is a cost/benefit thing - it costs a HEAP of money to get that access). So here on Strawman the prices displayed will always be the closing price on the last traded day, and the calculations will be based on those prices. So it's saying that the share price (Friday's closing share price of $2.38) undervalues the average estimate of intrinsic value (IV) here ($2.80) by 17.6%, which checks out. $2.38 plus 17.64% = $2.80. Hope that helps explain it.


a month ago

Ahhh @Bear77 That is now making sense.

I'll stand down.

Many thanks

a month ago

@neke86_ - you can set your sell price lower here and as long as they close at or above that price, you'll get the closing price, so in this case I would set the lowest price I was prepared to accept and then hope they close substantially higher than that. Nice trade by the way!


a month ago

Thank you!! Unfortunately in the real world I've left a bit on the table it seems! I need to stop selling winners on a hair-trigger >_<