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Last edited 2 months ago

Livewire podcast with FNArena's Rudi. When asked for a microcap on his radar mentions DEM at 44 mins. Not recommending a buy at this point but sees a potential for a re-rate if they continue to execute.

2 months ago

Just a follow up laoshi on your post.

On a Livewire segment last week a “penny stock” or microcap name gets dropped at minute 44 by Rudi Filapek-vandyck of FNArena . This is a little out of character, as Rudi usually is very dismissive of anything that is not a larger ASX stock.  

Rudi: AI is the end of investing as we know it - The Rules of Investing | Livewire (

The stock is DE.MEM (ASX:DEM). By way of background De.mem Limited (DEM), has a market cap of $27m and: “is an Australian-Singaporean de-centralised water and waste-water treatment business that designs, builds, owns and operates water and waste-water treatment systems for its clients.”

This morning DEM announced to the ASX a capital raise of $2m at 10 cents.  

I received today an email from FNArena, which was an invitation to participate in the cap raise. At the end of the email is the sentence: “Investors do note: FNArena is acting as a distributor of this placement only on agreement with Bletchley Park Capital.”

As that pixelated little villain Stinky Pete once said to Woody: ‘It’s a dangerous world out there.” 


2 months ago

Oh Rudi, Rudi, Rudi.


2 months ago

I commented on the article about the interesting timing of nominating a tiny microcap out of the blue and then a capital raising. They probably won't publish it they are very paranoid over at livewire.

I didn't write this but - I find it quite weird to nominate the stock and discuss whilst pointing out it is just a tiny stock he will not go out and buy but might follow for years and he often does that with stocks and is thankful he never buys. If that is the case it seems hardly worth mentioning in the first place?


2 months ago

Well livewire was able to publish my comment and Rudi has replied that he was only aware of this particular raising after he did the interview.


2 months ago

@Scoonie very interesting, no interest like self-interest, btw you did well i turned that interview off at about the 17-minute mark


2 months ago

stevegreenycom I guess there are various ways it can be looked at.

I could be a cynic and call it Damage Control or put it down to Hanlons Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".


2 months ago

In hindsight, maybe Rudi should just pass on such questions. i.e. the context of a huge clickbait heading and interview and the interviewer before the question commenting on a huge fan of Rudi's who has made money following Rudi's awesome penny stock recommendations in the past. For Rudi to say after all that, that this $27 mill market cap stock could go a long way, is probably not necessary. Just sounds like he does not have much of an insight on the stock in the first place.

I am more curious if DEM management themselves are being promotional and spending a lot of time trying to get a mention of the company.


2 months ago

It's quite a coincidence.