High gross margin (and stable) is a good one for businesses that are capital light and would be very profitable if they can scale. They would fall through the cracks with an RoE filter like above if they’re not profitable yet.
Think with a high RoE you also need revenue growth or it doesn’t mean very much - you’re paying for past success. If no revenue growth, and even if high RoE you’d be looking at dividends.
Just to balance the above - high RoE/ROIC/RoA is a great indicator.
Also the lindy effect is great to keep in mind.
Are patterns useful in selecting high quality businesses? I’ve heard @Winitalk about patterns that seem to repeat in successful businesses. I think patterns can be an important indicator for a high quality stock. Perhaps we all use patterns in some way to select our wealth winners?
If so, what are the patterns for success? Where do we find them and what do they look like? I thought this might be an interesting topic to explore on Strawman. I’m not suggesting there is a single pattern that identifies a high-quality business. Perhaps there are many patterns relating to different aspects of the business? Are there exceptions to the rule?
We all use patterns to make sense of the world around us. We see patterns and make deductions about what will happen next. According to the website C8 Sciences “Pattern Recognition and Inductive Thinking is a special ability of the human brain to not only find patterns but figure out in a logical way what those patterns suggest about what will happen next. In a broad sense, pattern recognition and inductive thinking form the basis for all scientific inquiry.” https://c8sciences.com/about/8ccc/pattern-recognition/
Technology company ARM says “Pattern recognition has a variety of applications, including image processing, speech and fingerprint recognition, aerial photo interpretation, optical character recognition in scanned documents such as contracts and photographs, and even medical imaging and diagnosis. Pattern recognition is also the technology behind data analytics. For example, the technique can be used to predict stock market outcomes.” https://www.arm.com/glossary/pattern-recognition
So how useful are patterns in selecting a quality business that will continue to grow our wealth?
To get the ball rolling I’d like to talk about a pattern I’ve found useful in selecting quality businesses. It won’t be much of a surprise to most of you who have read my straws…Increasing ROE. This particular pattern seems to be associated with the highest quality businesses…but there are exceptions. Let’s take a look at some examples:
We can find the same pattern in some businesses emerging into profitabilty. Here are some examples:
The next pattern is also associated with high quality businesses, Strong and Steady ROE, let’s look at some examples of these:
Then we have some great businesses that are less predictable. They have Strong, but Erratic ROE. Here are some examples of these:
Then there’s a pattern I think we need to be wary of. Once market darlings with signs of Strong but declining ROE. Here are some examples of these:
Then I think there are some Exceptions to Rule. These patterns have me scratching my head. Here are a few examples:
Are there other patterns that might help to identify high quality businesses, apart from the obvious…increasing share prices!