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Great write up @Valueinvestor0909.
There were a few things mentioned during the half year conference call that were ignored at the time, and probably becoming more front-of-mind as the full year results approach.
Management has also changed the way they talk about growth. Previously it was revenue growing at the historical rate (24-32%pa), but as of around a year ago (?) this was switched to gross profit growing at the same historical rate. The reasoning makes sense - the mix of products is less chips/cards/modules and more software run on OEM's own provisioned chips - less revenue but higher gross margin which ends up being around the same gross profit. I thought that was something worth pointing out.
A great write up @Valueinvestor0909. I like your idea of listing and defining your key metrics to determine if AD8 is on track and justify its current valuation. I think I’ll use those myself! Thank you for sharing.