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Added a month ago

FWIW UBS's First Read of AD8's results out before this mornings conference call

UBS SnapShot: FY24 Results

ONE LINER: Majority pre-released, with a challenging year ahead. Incremental is good ongoing momentum in video

KEY NUMBERS (post AASB16): Rev. US$60m (+28% y/y) / A$92m (+31% y/y). U/lying EBITDA $20m (+85% y/y) vs UBSe & Cons $20m (in-line). U/lying PBT $12m (vs $0.9m pcp /UBSe $11m/ Cons. $10.6m). DPS 0cps (in line)

RESULT HIGHLIGHTS: 1) G/dance met: GP US$44.5m, +33% y/y vs guided ~26-31% growth (A$68m +35% y/y), but big deceleration in 2H24 (1H +49% / 2H +19%). 2H24 GM 76.8% vs 71.8% 1H24 driven by product mix & cost-down on Brooklyn. 2) CCM revenue +26% y/y driven by Brooklyn & Ultimo, Software +33% (IP Core, DEP, retail software) with 2H indicating deceleration. 3) Video: +18 video products in 2H24 (vs +18 in 1H), +4 OEMs in 2H (vs +16 in 1H). with g/dance met in 1H (>30k - no details on units shipped in FY24/2H24). 4) Continued strong audio ecosystem, 460 OEMs +161 developing shipping products vs 430 + 153 1H24 & 400 + 138 in 2H23, 4,176 products (+168 in 2H / +155 in 1H) 12x the closest comp vs 4k in 1H24. Trained professionals +48k / +22% to 271k in FY24, with acceleration in 2H24. 5) Op. cost control in line $48m vs UBSe $48m, with 2H24 EBITDA $10m vs UBSe $10m. 6) 3rd consecutive period of +FCF ($7m) & OpCF conversion 112%. 7) $48m cash, no debt

VALUATION: $10.90 PT, Blended 2yr fwd EV/Sales to sales CAGR / DCF valuation

GUIDANCE: Unwinding of FY24 revenue tailwinds to result in FY25 Rev decline y/y, marginally lower FY25 US$GP (flat to -9% y/y), with exp. cost growth of 7-9%. UBSe analysis suggests this implies an EBITDA range of $6.8m-$14.2m / -66% to -29% y/y. AD8 is actively exploring potential M&A opportunities

UBS COMMENT: Ongoing positive video momentum in 2H24 the real incremental in this release. Strong FY24E performance, however partially from a pull forward of FY25E sales, which combined with other headwinds creates a challenging year ahead. Based on FY25E g'dance, our analysis suggests LT GP CAGR reduces from prev. 24% to 20- 22% - which would give upside vs UBSe (incorporating +18%) and consensus. LT story looks attractive, ST lack of growth will understandably hold some investors back

DISC: Held in RL & SM

a month ago

Thanks @Remorhaz Great stuff. Should be a little jump up in SP this morning.


a month ago

Macquarie and Morgan Stanley also released brief broker notes this morning (Macquarie's contained basically nothing and was again before the Conf call this morning) - both (like UBS) have an Outperform/Overweight rating with a PT a little above what was this mornings opening price (but are now below the "current" price) (UBS: $10.90, Macquarie: $10.50 & MS $10)

Will be interesting to see (if) their PT's track upwards in the coming days (after they already followed the share price down less than 2 weeks ago)


a month ago

and so the target price chasing actual stock market pricing back upwards begins - new Broker updates out this morning from:

Macquarie: Outperform 12m PT $10.50 -> $14.60

The fat lady ain't singing

Key Points

Leading indicators have stabilised in 2H24. FY25 will remain a difficult year as customers digest inventory, but we see a return to growth in FY26

Guidance for gross margin improvement brought forward. This is the swing factor in our numbers, and is driven by mix shift to software

Our numbers imply AD8 achieves 2.0x market growth over the forecast period. Management highlighted 2-4x as a reasonable expectation

Current share price implied terminal penetration highlights that the market has whipsawed from treating cyclically high earnings as structural growth to capitalising cyclically low earnings. It may get worse before it gets better, but long-term growth story is attractive 

UBS: Buy -> Neutral but 12m PT $10.90 -> $12.20

a month ago

Thanks @Remorhaz Great stuff. Should be a little jump up in SP this morning.