Forum Topics RWC RWC FY24 Results + Outlook

Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

Another one these companies that look expensive with elevated valuation metrics and with little or negative growth plus uncertain future growth.

  1. Lots of negative growth though at least adjusted EBITDA is flat
  2. Company has experienced 11% growth in EPS over past 5 years, so this could be one of those rare down years
  3. In saying that, this is the lowest annual profit the company has reported since 2020
  4. At share price of $4.70 the PE is 26 (based off adjusted EPS)
  5. Market might be pricing in some future growth
  6. Non-quantitative guidance is bearish with little growth expected:

'For the first six months of trading in FY25 RWC expects group external sales to be broadly flat, within a range of up or down by low single digit percentage points, relative to the pcp, excluding the impact of Holman and Supply Smart. RWC expects a similar trajectory in each region.'

The company did not issue any FY25 quantitative guidance because of uncertainties


a month ago

So apparently the results were slightly better than expected

Hence share price is up 10%

Which funnily enough makes the valuation even more STRETCHED


2 weeks ago

The buyback helps keep the share price elevated too

Quite a few brokers upgraded the price recently.

Very hard to get a broker report but managed to find one from Morgan Stanley


R&R I guess is Residential and Renovation?

Correction R&R is repair and remodel

To be honest I actually like RWC as they are one of a few ASX companies doing well in the US