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Pinned straw:

Added 5 months ago


Quite amazing they could get the raise for a high grade 1 metre intersection?


I've been out for some time (made a few from the price going to $1.20 before taking profit) but also watching as well so I also saw the rally from 2c to 5c last week.

Added 5 months ago

It's a bit like playing dodgeball @edgescape - you always know there's another CR coming, but you never know exactly when, so you have to be nimble with these nanocap explorers - selling out on a spike after a positive drill core assay result is usually a solid move, coz we all know what comes next!

I see this mob got up over 60 cps two years ago (Sept 2022) - now under 5 cps, maybe they'll do a 1-for-10 consolidation and then rinse and repeat?

All part of the game.



Added 5 months ago


I made good coin on this one overall because I managed to exit early when I knew the RC results were nothing.

Back to the news here they think it is worth drilling deeper after hitting that high grade vein. Will need to research that but still too much unknowns.