Pinned straw:
Am wondering if the growing number of connect providers is hurting pricing power and therefore also forcing a lower revenue estimate.
That is assuming that Megaport needs to start lowering prices to deal with the new competition.
This is one example presented very well by Oracle Fastconnect
I think it used to be just Megaport and Equinix. Now we have Console connect, Google, Telstra and NextDC.
And Megaport is not serving Canberra. I wonder why???
Other examples can be seen on the AWS Direct Connect Partner page (which is a bit more messier).
Don't have time now to find out the revenue from cross connect. If any of you have time, please post here.
Also I don't think a few dev projects being put on hold is enough to move the dial on revenue estimates but again only the CEO or CFO will know
Seems like I am doing the job of the CEO to explain the revenue estimate miss LOL.