Forum Topics Westfield
4 weeks ago

Nothing more than sharing an observation!

As a family we decided to go out for dinner and then bowling. We went to the bowl zone in Adelaide..

What surprised me was that previously occupied 4 story Myers centre had completely restructured, it no longer occupies the bottom floor, this has been turned in to quite a cool bowling and arcade centre. Now I’m not saying that this even goes close to saving shopping centres, but it was quite busy for a Tuesday winter night in Adelaide.

i do NOT own shopping centres or property reits.


4 weeks ago

A quick perspective from an Aussie who's made the move to London to pursue the grand European adventure!

I now live about 10min~ walk from Westfield London, Europe’s largest....and it is ALWAYS packed. The European retail climate is totally different here. And plus, shops are open until about 8pm on weeknights. I don't see Westfield or physical retail going anywhere in London!


4 weeks ago

It’s such a great setup there. I’m very impressed with what they have done converting it from a retail space too.

The challenge rooms are pretty good as well if you get a chance to go :)


4 weeks ago

@shadow as a URW (REIT owning Westfield Europe and US) holder that is some great news!

What do you mean by the different retail environment you have seen? Things are just doing better over there at the moment?