Forum Topics Stale Straws
6 years ago

Hi Pmonkey -- I havent been able to replicate? I was able to 'impersonate' your account, and could hit the like button to un-stale that post for WBT.

If you hit the 'x' (delete) button, it should disappear altogether.  I might be missing something, please let me know if so. 


6 years ago

great -- if you spot the issue again, don't hesitate to let me know. Sometimes the tech gremlins can trick you into thinking a problem as gone away... :)

6 years ago

If you've been with the beta for more than 3 months, you may have noticed that some Straws you have created or liked have begun to go 'Stale'.

So what does that mean?

90 days after you create a Straw, it will move to a Stale state. It will always remain under you personal Straws page (the one you access by clicking on your profile image on the Straws page), so you will never lose it, but will no longer have an active vote from you.

It's the same for Straws that you 'like'. It just losses it's vote after 90 days.

This ensures that the 'All Members' tab does not get cluttered up with old and now defunct insights.

You can always re-cast your vote by simply clicking the like button again, in which case the Straw will again have a positive vote from you for the next 90 days. If you edit the Straw, it will likewise be reset with a fresh vote.

You will receive a notification when a Straw you have created or liked goes Stale.

If you agree that the Straw is no longer current, you can simply delete it (if it was yours) or vote down on it (if it belongs to someone else). You can simply do nothing, and the Straw will just remain on your personal page.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.