Forum Topics How much do you invest in a position?
4 years ago

I have found it a challenge to restrict my activity as an investor.  I quess I am a busy person, and feel the need to be doing something, which led to me being impatient and over trading.    

To address this, as a default, I only invest in 1% increments, thereby limiting how much i change my portfolio, and control my "activity bias".   I also conduct deeper research and learning to quench my desire to do something.   There are exeptions to this.   If a thesis breaks, I exit fast, at whatever price I get at the time, and don't look back.  There are also special cases, where I might rapidly buy into a company I know well and have a high conviction in.     

I know 1% doesn't sound like much to you now, but after 20 years of successful investing, it will be.  

4 years ago

I know everyone will be different and its "taboo" to talk money, but I would love to know the average amount you invest in a position. Is it $1000,$10,000 or $50,000 or more.
I am a small time investor (don't judge) if I buy a share I typically start of with a $5k investment, some times if I am feeling it I might do 10k or if im cautious and want to see how it plays out maybe 2.5k.

I guess its becuase you always see those articles that start with "If you invested 10K in compy XYZ 5 yrs ago you would have $XXX"
I have always secretly wondered who out there in regular Joe Blo land has that money to invest in single shares.

Love to get feeback. As a said maybe you guys are playing with big bucks. I feel very much like a minow in a huge ocean


4 years ago

I try to think more in terms of percentages. And the sizing will depend on my level of conviction. I prefer to be reasonably concentrated, so a 10% starting position isn't unusual for me.