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#Bear Case
Added 10 months ago

I missed the interview. But just caught up.

Summary - I think there are other competitors out there that are better placed to scale.

The main issue I can see with BCAL is that it needs it's own propriatary equipment to perform its blood test. Whereas, it's competitor, IIQ's SubB2M Breast Cancer test can be used with the existing equipment in existing pathology providers globally. So BCAL would need to have much better results than IIQ to justify the extra capex spend...but it has about the same sensitivity and specitivity. So I can't see how BCAL will scale compared to its competitors. Am i missing something?

When asked about the timeline to commercialisation compares between BCAL and IIQ, said she wasn't across IIQs timeline. But Jayne should be across all her competitors! Or at least say why the BCAL product is better etc. This left me cold.

Jayne also answered the question regarding Exosomes in a strange way. She was asked her views on exosomes in diagnosis...but only spoke about theraputics. So pretty much avoided the question. And the research has shown that exosomes in diagnosis is the future.

Also I note that Andrew Chapman's Merchant Fund has recently sold a large portion of their BCAL holdings. But has maintained their IIQ holdings and I have a feeling will invest more at the Cap Raise that is likey for IIQ in the near future to commercialise.


Disclosure - I have a very large IIQ holding.