Not exactly a popular company, but I think it could be somewhat interesting going forward.
I bought shares in this company maybe 4 years ago, back when it was called Fiji Kava and had a different ticker, but quickly sold it once I dug further into what I bought.
When I sold, I kept about 20 bucks worth in, just to see how it would perform - down about 97% to date.
Not really happy with the business and isn’t really one that seems all that good to be honest. Very, very, unsure, particularly all the dilution that has, and continues to, occur.
However, I recently attended a party and one of my friends had brought kava along and it seemed to be a hit with all the non-drinkers (which is also potentially a growing market). This is not the first recent occasion wherein I have seen other people starting to pick this product up and give it a go.
Not exactly sure if this product is a commodity, maybe? Could be different depending on the supplier, but realistically all kava is mostly the same. The key feature of Calmer Co appears to be the near monopoly (which I believe it still has) over the kava market in Fiji, at least at present. There really isn’t another company that does what they do and has the capacity/agreements to sell at scale.
I have recently purchased Calmer Co’s kava from Coles and I believe it might also be available in Chemist Warehouse? Either way, seems like it is becoming more readily available.
Just wanted to make this post, as I am considering chucking a tiny amount in at these lows. Probably won’t, but perhaps…
If the product (kava) genuinely continues to gain popularity, then this company could be a huge benefactor. No confidence in this at present, however. If anyone ever has any experience with their product, would love to hear the feedback.