GDC is in a process of realising existing investments and has just announced sale of its largest asset ETIX. What will remain once this transaction concludes (assuming it does) is the remaining investment in Airtrunk.
ETIX sale will result in $2.26 shareholder value at current exchange rates expecting to close in Q1 2025
The Perth data centre realised $15M after paying down debt which adds $0.19 per share
Current realised assets = $2.45 per share.
Airtrunk is difficult to value but is on books at $48.5M $0.62 per share.
Total asset value per share = approx $3.07
Assuming there is an efficient transfer of shareholder capital that would mean the market is currently valuing the Airtrunk investment at around $0.45 per share based on todays share price of $2.90. There is definitely potential upside on the Airtrunk disposal if it goes ahead in the short term but there is also exchange rate risks, and the possibility of the ETIX transaction falling over, and uncertainty on how the cash is getting back to shareholders I think the current price is pretty close to fair but believe the Air trunk value is being undervalued. There are risks though and I think a fair valuation is $3 and with some good potential upside.
Overall the company has done well on the realisation strategy to date and as a long term holder I am holding for a good result on Airtrunk when eventually realised.