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#SMH News Story
Added 12 months ago

From top of the world to bottom of the lake: Inside the ‘fraud and bribery’ that sank $1b company

Refer to SMH article today Dec 16 2023

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

The day has come! PET re-listed today and it was ugly. On the plus side holders are at least given the opportunity to buy, hold or sell after being in limbo for two years! Note: I do not hold.

#Green Shoots!
Added 3 years ago

Wow! It seems PET management might actually pull off the incredible and get PET re-listed. The work done in China to restructure, chase compensation, improve governance is great to see. The recent early results from Rotterdam seem positive thus, opening up Europe. The new contracts in NZ, and North America might see long suffering share holders rewarded with a re-listing and a company with a valuable product available again for shareholder investment. Fingers crossed they get across the line and hats off to management if they do. This is a valuable product that can have significant implications on waterways worldwide. It also highlights some of the great stuff that comes out (originally) from the CSIRO. It’s worth for those interested in investing in environmentally positive companies (assuming we will be able to) and/or turn around stories the recent announcement on the ASX from 24th if March.

#Green Shoots!
Added 3 years ago

PET Secures Major Contract with Rotterdam City worth $4m. Could this be the beginning of the turn around?