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Last edited 4 months ago
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-8.7% pa
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#Bull Case
Added 4 months ago

New 52w high and strong price action this week. Hope whoever is accumulating has diamond hands and is not done buying yet!

#ASX Announcements
Added 7 months ago

The company went into a trading halt pending an announcement on the outcome of the legal proceedings (an appeal on a prior favorable judgement) by Fred IT. The case was heard by the Supreme Court of Victoria earlier today.

That announcement should be out tomorrow, and should remove the uncertainty embedded in the share price for the past several months.

It is more likely than not that the judgement will be net favourable to PharmX.

#Broker/Analyst Views
Added 8 months ago

A detailed investment case for PharmX in this substack, by Jake Kreuzmann -

Added 2 years ago

Sale of Corum Pharmacy Software business

• Sale of Pharmacy Software business for total potential consideration of $6.25 million plus

earnout payments

• PharmX growth opportunity enhanced as an independent technology provider

• Potential capital management options to be considered

The business is being aquired by Jonas, which is another operating entity owned by Constellation Software.

With this, and the Fred IT legal cost settlement, the company is certainly cash rich (~ 20m), and is effectively only about PharmX now.

Given the current market cap, it looks like you're getting PharmX for not much at all, even if it is only a slow and steady grower.

#Legal Proceeding
Added 2 years ago

Advantage Corum after the release of the Victorian Supreme Court judgement over PharmX, but the market hasn't quite cottoned on yet. Perhaps an appeal is expected? That will drag things along further.

#Trading Update
Added 3 years ago

Steady numbers, and an improved cash position.

Hopefully they have laid the foundations and can land some big wins for the remainder of FY22.