16 June
Promises of the Deal. Share Price Reaction today up $13.25 + 0.45%
Subject to receiving all regulatory approvals, in addition to the commitments to Queensland made by both Suncorp and ANZ at the time of announcing the Proposed Transaction, Suncorp Group will also commit to a jobs and investment package worth approximately $25 million including: - ensuring aggregate employment levels for the Suncorp insurance business and Group corporate services activities are greater in Queensland than any other individual state or territory in Australia; - investing at least $19 million to develop a Disaster Response Centre of Excellence in Suncorp’s Brisbane headquarters, including: o state-of-the-art technology to monitor weather alerts, proactively communicate with Suncorp customers and impacted communities, and improve Suncorp’s response before, during and after major weather events not only in Queensland, but across Australia and New Zealand; o growth in Suncorp’s Disaster Response Team in Queensland, with the creation of an additional 20 full-time roles in respect of weather monitoring, climate change, geospatial technology, artificial intelligence, digital transportation and supporting functions; o design and fit-out of a fully functional mobile hub to be deployed in areas affected by natural disasters to assist the community’s recovery; - increasing the number of Suncorp employees in regional Queensland by 120 people through the creation of a ‘Suncorp Regional Hub’ in Townsville, Queensland; and - spending at least $3 million to fund community or educational initiatives relating to vocational training, supporting First Nations employment pathways and research, courses, internships and scholarships relevant to disaster resilience and emergency management.