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#Future Returns on Lithium
Added one year ago

Wesfarmers released some impressive FY23 results last week.

Revenue up 18%. NPAT up 4.8%. All in a subdued retail trading environment.

Some really interesting discussion followed the results presentation regarding the Mt Holland project. I have outlined the timeline of events as per the discussion:


Commissioning and ramp up of concentrator Oct/Nov 2023.

Produce 50,000t (WES share) spodumene concentrate in FY24


Produce 190,000t (WES share) spodumene.

Commission hydroxide refinery late CY24.

Lithium hydroxide available for sale by early to mid CY25.


Lithium hydroxide refining.

Based on the above timeline, my take on the future revenues is outlined below. I am no lithium expert so please correct me if the numbers are horribly wrong.


50,000t x $4,000/t (net margin) = $200M


190,000t x $4,000/t (net margin) = $760M.


8t spodumene produces 1t lithium hydroxide, therefore

190,000t/8 = 23,750t lithium hydroxide x ($50,000/t - $7,000/t) $43,000/t net margin = $1B.

The lithium operation has the potential to increase profits by 40% in FY26.

I remember Ben Clark (TMS Capital) saying that the market is not pricing the lithium operation into the WES share price.

Based on this I would have to agree.

Lithium experts please feel free to rip this apart.