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Last edited 2 years ago
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#Hype. Hope. Sentiment. BS. $?
Added 2 years ago

I distinctly remember some "expert" on ausbiz a couple of months ago saying this was "a screaming buy" if it got to 60 cents. What is it now????

Super smart management.

Held a bit in RL (sold a lot at a loss) after going in full bore during hype. Pre TAB pitch. HC community was supercharged. I haven't checked since.

Still hold a bit because they are picks and shovels. And they're smart. Bumpy ride for me. Maybe not for you at these prices.

Question everything Strawpeople

Added 2 years ago

@occy good call. Market including me in RL obviously needed this. Been along the rough RL road with this before and after the TAB thing. One of the most engaged and argumentative HC threads. Talk and proof of massive short selling six months ago. I left it alone/after six months of engaging. Sold a lot. At a loss. Held some because of smarter people than I/me at the helm/Management. Online betting super competitive. Seems to me they're not playing there. Picks and shovels smart is where they're working. Figure Management knows their long race painful but rewarding?plan. That's why I'm still RL in. P.S. Flashback to pre Ukraine/irrelevant to betting maybe? Or more relevant. 26.26min in...

And today's announcement....