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#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Strong Growth & Company Update

At higher price levels after the recent 35% leap it's hard to see a huge amount of short term upside for Wisr. That being said the leap was caused by 48% month-on-month growth in loan originations during what should've been a difficult May. 

Wisr has tightened their credit policy to improve the credit profile of applicants. This matches a relatively recent institutional presentation about Wisr that highlighted it's strong book and lower credit risk as a strong case for investment. The Wisr book has clients with a higher than average credit score compared to their competitors. 

The company also so the largest single week settlements of $4m and only has 6% of the client base in COVID loan deferrals. 

The aim for this stock is to either; trade the volatility or buy at value and hold for the long term. Could become a big growth story or an acquisition target.