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@GazD I ran an XmR Chart on daily volumes at 3-SD level.Upper Control Limit (UCL) showing in Green. 99.7% should be within limit. (Anyone interested in the method, here's a link: XmR Charts)
Today's volumes just hit the UCL, being the 3rd day in recent weeks. This implies there is high confidence of an assignable cause to the departure from "normal" volumes. Perhaps a large investor/fund is accumlating and willing to do so at prices up to the current TP consensus, which is $0.725?
Interestingly, after the buying price spikes, the next day volumes are back to normal with profit-takers having an outsized negative impact on bringing the SP back to its previous level. (See below)
So overall, it looks like there is more demand for $SPZ than supply, with at these levels more investors looking to enter or accumulate that those looking to lighten or exit.
I've never done this analysis on stocks before (it is a standard tool in managing business operations) - but your question got me curious, so I thought I'd have a go.
It doesn't have any practical implications for me. I agree with analysts that around $0.70 to $0.75 $SPZ is fairly valued, the uncertainty is still wide, and so I wouldn't contemplate selling anywhere below $1.00 and, for now, my position size is about right (3.5%).