Forum Topics PNV PNV DW at Bell Potter Conference t

Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

Some super quick notes (with spelling mistakes) from the Bell Potter Conference where DW was interviewed:

  • Interviewer commented SP is down...and if DW has any concerns etc. DW made the point that when PNV has board meetings, they look at the SP and the guidance that is out there....and if there is a large discrepancy with their internal budgets....they would consider making comment to the market. So he says "sometimes silence is confirming"....or some type of words like that.
  • given to FDA....maybe hear something this year....or early next year. He said will only really help some surgeons that wait for the the full tick from the FDA which would be a small percentage. But also help other juridtictions (like Israel) that rely on the FDA outcomes to guide their regulatory decisions.
  • Made the comment that lots of people internal to PNV believe MTX will be bigger than BTM.
  • The interviewer discounted acquistions in the next 12-18 months....but DW said no...there could be some...but not in the very near term. Interesting that DW did the full correction....made me feel there is def something in the pipeline....
  • Charity donations is def turning into customers. At the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting, DW said some Aust/Commonwealth Agency....wants PNV product in Africa.
  • Last comments were on growth into Japan, China, Indonesia, Mongolia (???) and Africa. And broaden the base into new products. Mentioned podiary in the USA.
  • Was dissappointed he got no comments for his Green Jacket. The green jacket was a BUY signal for me,
Added a month ago

@Parko5 - yes, that's what he said. No announcement gives as much information as making an announcement.


Added a month ago

Maybe he should wear a T-Shirt (or Jacket) that says "qui tacet consentire videtur"


Added a month ago

@Parko5 you might be on to something .... when his jacket is green, it means they are tracking ahead, when it is red, behind.

I wonder if ASIC would ever cotton on to that?