Forum Topics LOV LOV AGM summary

Pinned straw:

Added 4 months ago

This summary is based on my notes from the meeting. Direct quotes appear in italics, and unless otherwise noted, all responses are from Brett Blundy. My personal observations appear in [square brackets]. Questions have been reordered by topic for clarity.

Trading update and store openings as per ASX announcement.

Brett Blundy (BB) announced that three new stores were just approved in the US, expecting to reach 1000 stores "before we know it". The company's focus going forward is on:

1. Succession planning: Bringing team members through the system into management and country management roles.

2. Systems to support growth: Improving logistics, computer systems, and inventory control.

Official business:

Received a second strike on the remuneration, but avoided a spill with a huge margin 

Q&A Session 

Hybrid Meeting System

Q: Why is there no hybrid meeting system, and can one happen in the future?

A: The company prefers a single, straightforward meeting format and will continue this way. Shareholders interested in the company can attend in person. [me: This response seemed dismissive and offhand; a virtual meeting seems unlikely at this point.]

CEO Succession & Leadership

Q: Provide an update on Victor's step down and the plan for the incoming CEO.

A: There's no change. It's still business as usual, focusing on continued growth.


Q: What are the top risks for the company?

A: 1. Competition: Staying ahead of both store and online competitors.

  2. Succession planning: Helping people improve and move up within the company.


Q: Can you talk about the company's debt levels?

A: The goal is to not exceed one times EBIT, note, the company has never come close to that. BB commented that they don't like debt but will use it if needed.

Store Growth and Strategy:

Q: Why does the store rollout rate seem to be slowing?

A: The company is strategic about store openings, always testing markets before expanding even though it looks like we go in fast. BB described themselves as "growth junkies" and said that's not going to change.

Comment: Ireland has performed exceptionally well, beyond expectations. They now have six stores, with an additional store opening yesterday and more planned.

Q: Where are the greatest opportunities for expansion?

A: Eastern Europe is seen as a huge opportunity. There's also potential for expanding the store base in the EU and various Asian markets. BB mentioned visiting Germany recently, where the EU country manager was pushing for additional store openings. BB emphasized there is still significant runway in many markets.


Q: What's the status of store expansion in China?

A: There was a slight admission that the market has been tougher than expected. They are currently seeking 3-4 store locations to run as a test scenario before further expansion and then "putting the foot down" as per BB.


Q: How are negotiations with US landlords progressing?

[Me: There appeared to be some challenges in securing favourable lease agreements in the US.]

A: BB stated:

- "We do all right," but "the landlord always wins" [cheap laugh]

- Brand recognition is now creating some tailwinds in landlord negotiations

- We are now finding it easy to engage with landlords just not easy to close

- Some US stores closed due to unreasonable rent increases

- Planning approximately 150 store openings in next 12 months (unclear if US-specific or global)


Q: Why has the ideal store size increased to 60-70 square meters?

A: The slight increase accommodates piercing services and expanded product ranges. Most stores will remain 50-60 square meters, with new locations being slightly larger. The new Series5 store layouts reflect evolution in product and customer needs. The cost increase in rent is negligible.


Q: Why has franchising been chosen in some African countries, and what are the economics?

A: Franchising is used where joint ownership is required to operate. While Lovisa prefers company-owned stores, the franchise model maintains similar profit profiles as Lovisa controls pricing, product, and advertising. Agreements vary by country, with franchisees primarily managing store operations and inventory ownership. The Ivory Coast operation was noted for its outstanding performance.


Competition & Market Position:

Q: Can you comment on Harper and Harli?

A: The company faces competitors worldwide and emphasizes the need to view Lovisa as a global company, not Aust-centric.  Aust’s revenue as a % of the company’s sales has greatly reduced over time. But we don't take our advantages for granted and we must stay in front through evolution of stores, product, systems, & people. 

Q: What is the impact of online platforms such as Shein and Temu?

A: We need to remain relevant and monitor all competition.


Systems & Operations:

Q: Can you expand on the focus on systems?

A: The number one priority is RFID system. It is hugely important, but we're currently going through cost versus benefit analysis as the investment to update to it is significant. But when we get this, it will be a “game changer” BB

The company is also revaluating various other logistics system, merchandise management was mentioned, several systems were said to need updating


Target Market

Q: Has the target market for Lovisa changed? - this was an observation from a shareholder who felt that the ranging was now targeting younger clientele

A: It was reiterated that the core market remains 25-35 years old and expressed some surprise that the shareholder felt this. It was noted that they do have ranges within the store targeting younger age groups. At this point Victor weighed in and said the trends in in fashion at the moment are looking at more premium type product rather than fashion product. He commented that the fashion style product is actually a bit off trend but will return. [Me: interesting comment]

[Me: I went to the store after the meeting, and this really did stand out. There was product targeting the younger age brackets. I'm not sure I agree with the comment that there were limited items for an older customer. In my opinion, there were options I could see my sisters and friends wearing, and I am in the older customer category, note: this is purely an opinion]

The shareholder also commented that they'd spent time at Harper and Harli at Doncaster doing some scuttlebutting. They felt that the quality was not up to the same standard as Lovisa, but the ranging was more suitable for an older customer.


Supply Chain:

Q: How will potential US tariffs affect the business?

A: Multiple manufacturing options and simple product construction provide flexibility and reduce vulnerability to tariff issues compared to US business heavily reliant on China manf.



The Lovisa AGM had a relaxed yet confident atmosphere, Brett Blundy is an engaging speaker. Shareholders seemed supportive, despite a remuneration strike (though those responsible seemed absent).

But yeah, take my personal observations with a grain of salt, we can all get sucked into a story and I have no previous AGM exposure to benchmark this against.


Discl: I won't be making any changes to my position at this stage.

Added 4 months ago

Was there any mention where the 3-4 test stores in China are located or does anyone know where there are? Tried searching but can't seem find the store location for China. Travelling to Shanghai next month, if there’s a store in Shanghai I will do a shuttlebutt. Currently have no position in LOV previously held sold in 30 mark but with the price decline interest building a position possible soon if it retreats further.


Added 4 months ago

@Magneto I think the 3-4 referred to @Slew are the planned next steps.

According to the website, there is only one so far: No. 63 Linhe Zhong Road, Guangzhou, Tianhe District. In the Greater Bay Area, it’s a common practice for Western companies to start in Hong Kong, and then step out into the GBA, and I think this practice is often encouraged by the authorities. They often want businesses to come to China, and recognise regional management might be based in nearby Hong Kong.

A couple of other examples are the distributor $SGI has recently acquired a business with an existing office in Hong Kong. They are going to leverage that to manage their Private Label manufacturers in Mainland China. Similarly, $PNV plan to use their Hong Kong sales presence to step out into hospitals in the GBA, when they launch there.


Added 4 months ago

Damm was just in Guangzhou couple days ago!! Next time there might go check it out!! Saying that Guangzhou is like best place in the world to get fake high end handbags etc

That part China Hong Kong, shenzhen Guangzhou, it’s just a blend of mega cities. If they could even be slightly successful in even that part of China it be a massive win in my point of view. Anyway going work on bit research on it this week!


Added 4 months ago

Going by figures in Stock Doctor I get an average p/e over the last few years of about 59. Currently

it's about 35 (Stock Doctor again) with a forward p/e of 24. Factoring that we're also in a bull market (where average p/e's

get more inflated than usual) I'd forecast LOV's direction of travel more likely to tend in an upwards direction

in the near future.


Top exec's are also well aligned with shareholders:


Added 4 months ago

Thanks for being the boots on the ground and reporting back @Slew. Really helpful notes.

It is disappointing they won't consider hybrid meetings. Even if remote attendees aren't put on an equal footing for asking questions with those in the room, it is a low cost way to provide more of the shareholder base direct exposure to hearing from management. Still, preaching to the choir here.

Overall, it sounds like everything is much as we've discussed here, but you've added some helpful colour.

150 new openings target must be a global goal. It's actually between my mid- and high-cases for FY25, although it sounds like FY25 will come in a lot lower based on FYTD. And from BB's remarks, while they'll target that number, failure to agree lease terms will create some drag, and then there will be the ongoing culling of underperofrming stores. I hope they maintain the capital discipline under the new CEO, although I expect BB will be all over that. Interesting to hear BB be so candid, as VH has, as far as I recall, always refused to put a number on the plans. Maybe it was a reaction to some of the analyst commentaries about the underwhelming update?

It was good to get the albeit brief clarification on China. At one level it is good to see they are taking their time to get the product-market fit right with the one test store and online focus. Moving to 3-4 test stores also makes sense as there are huge differences across the different parts of China. For example, from listening to The Economist Drum Tower - a long running regular podcast on China - it is fascinating to gain insights into the decisions young adults in China are making about careers, family, where to live - and this is creating very different markets across the different regions and types of cities. There are lots of other places for $LOV to focus the build out in the near term, so I hope they invest to get the right offer for China, even if it takes longer for the rollout.

The insights about RFID and upgraded systems is interesting. RFID integrated into inventory management, PoS and forecasting can create serious operational efficiencies. Particularly if you have a truly global business like $LOV, with lots of SKUs. It also frees up store staff to focus much more on customer experience. So it's good to see BB is working the business case on this one.

We've seen a few PT down-moves over recent days:

  • Citi: from $31.16 (neutral) to $25.95 (sell) - that's the BIG step down.
  • MacQ: from $35.10 (OP) to $34.10 (OP)
  • UBS: from $33 to $29

Perhaps still a few more updateto come? So, still quite a divergence of views. (Interesting to note that the range of analyst views is a pretty close overlap with my views.)

For now, I will continue to wait this one out. As I said previosuly, $25 gives a nice margin of safety for a decent return however, in truth I could consider re-entering anywhere from $26. (I actually missed a brief opportunity at the open yesterday when it dipped to below $26 in the first 30 minutes!) Maybe we just need some more soft consumer macro numbers. ;-)

Was there any conversation about John Cheston?

I'm still interested to learn what his "serious misconduct" and "breach of contract" was. Was it attending an interview with BB on Premier's time? Any scuttlebut from conversations in the room? I haven't seen anything reported anywhere.

Disc: Not Held. On Watchlist


Added 4 months ago

China stores

Yes, @mikebrisy is correct that the stores are in the process of being planned, however, it didn't sound like this was happening anytime soon. Personally, I've taken China out of my store increase estimates; if it happens, it'll be a bonus.

@Magneto when/if a store opens, some on-the-ground feedback would be fantastic.

Store rollouts

Yes, it is odd to mention a store rollout target, as they're usually tight-lipped about that. I'll put it in context.

BB was talking about the difficulties in finalising leases in the US, and it was a throwaway comment in the middle of that, perhaps a way of showing some positivity? I think he was referring to a rolling 12-month period and total store openings, but it was jumbled in the US store rollout response. Note this was not a clearly stated target, it was a comment amongst a broader conversation, hence my lack of clarification. Agree, it does sound like FY25 store openings will be soft at this stage.


This was the first I had heard about it too and assumed I had missed it somewhere and agree it is a positive step.

Was there any conversation about John Cheston?

No, he wasn't even referred to by name, just "incoming CEO." The response to the succession plan was a one-liner, pretty much as I've written it.

"There's no change. It's still business as usual, we are focusing on continued growth."

I thought it deserved a "fuller" response.

As a personal observation, I noticed what seemed to me like fanboy commentary from BB about VH. To be clear, this is entirely my own interpretation, but I got the impression that BB might still be feeling the loss of VH. Again, this is just my take on it.


Added 4 months ago

Good on you @Slew, you're a natural.

Would not have guessed this was your first AGM - excellent coverage.

You've done a better job than the company in catering for shareholders that weren't in the room!

Added 4 months ago

Great summary thanks.

Hate these dinosaurs that only want in person AGMs - like everyone lives near where it’s being held, or can cheaply get to where it is, let along the time constraints.

I hope the ASX forces them to have hybrid meetings soon. I think it shows a flagrant disrespect for shareholders.