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Cheers everyone for your feedback @Solvetheriddle @Chagsy @Mujo@lowway
My apologies, it has been some time since I looked into the company and my memory suggested that the UK market had been picking up. My bad. Will do some further refreshing.
Some of the main points I gather:
Whilst I certainly do concur with the Queenslander comment @lowway would also love to hear from anyone interstate if they have ever had any experience with a competitor to PEXA.
Further, are there any other global and/or dominant players that do what PEXA does successfully between international jurisdictions? The reason for my initial post was that I was reading some disclosure document at work the other day and, when discussing ELNOs, the page mentioned PEXA and “Sympali”.
Thought it looked strange because I remembered the name from my initial look at PEXA and, sure enough, the competitor’s name is actually Sympli. Not the most encouraging sign, when the fleeting mention of your name is also misspelled. Led me to wonder whether PEXA could be worth a look again. Promising perhaps, but looks like it also might never really have much of an opportunity beyond Australia?
Should this be considered more as, say, a Transurban(y) home-dominant-and-stable-but-not-much-further-prospect-for-success-worldwide kind of business and not much more? Not necessarily saying that’s negative btw, considering I can only imagine how brutally painful it would be to implement/switch a property settlement system, and therefore how lucrative it would be the incumbent.
Ultimately, I was interested in the potential for some sort of international interoperability, but looks like I’m wrong and (even if UK and maybe, maybe Canada improves) there’s not much thesis for a dominance of markets using similar law (aka Torrens Title system)?
Regarding Torrens Title, At least when you ask Investopedia:
“Currently, it is primarily used in Australia, Canada, Fiji, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sir Lanka, and Thailand.”
We can relatively (almost) certainly rule out most of the above jurisdictions as potential growth opportunities, then? Not necessarily looking for a discussion on any/all of these countries; but would be interested if there has been any success at all (with PEXA or other competitors) in implementing across countries that, shall we say, don’t exactly share the same legal or political persuasions as the company’s home nation. Perhaps because it’s rather risky for a nation-state to entrust a big part of the property ledger to a foreign entity?
Even though I reckon that’s pretty much a challenge for every business (international expansion, that is), it also seems like a bullet to the brain for any sustainable growth for an Australian-mature PEXA outside of, I’m not even sure… If it did reach maturity here locally, and couldn’t expand, would growth then come from population, housing supply increases, other factors?.
Overall, would it be fair to say that it looks like countries around the world, who have a need for a service that PEXA provides, will simply use their own home-domiciled company/system to entrust the work, or is there any likelihood of wider adoption? Could be that this is the sort of business in future that gravitates toward monopoly, but perhaps only within its home jurisdiction? Somewhat similar to electricity infrastructure, for example - very impractical to have multiple providers but also no chance for the incumbent to ever truly grow or penetrate the international markets. But I could be foolish with these false-analogies.
Sorry for the long-winded reply.
@Stannis you can read some of my previous posts. briefly, my view of PXA is as follows.
hope that helps
I would say the UK has been anything but successful and an expensive project to get to the same scale. PEXA australia started much the same way Visa did in the US - owned by all parties with everyone having a vested interest to integrate and have it succeed. And so it did. Same with how IEL got to where it is with IELTs. In the UK PEXA hasn’t had that advantage - perhaps just first to a possible new way of doing things - but slow, very slow, or expensive by acquisition to build the network.
Australia is now ex exponential growth imho - though i’m sure there is some market growth from housing supply. The politicians/regulators are trying to break the monopoly but when you have the only viable competitor the incompetent ASX - the marginally more competent management at PEXA has done okay. Insert buffet quote about ham sandwhich and management here.
Think you’re right thought, great low growth business - Uk still a question market and i think they have little to no chance expanding successfully into other countries within the next decade.
I think this will be a nice dividend play one day. I hope REA or someone doesn’t try and gobble it up - but i assume that would get blocked these days.