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Added 2 months ago

Yes rh8178  I saw the quarterly update and like you was left wondering at the severity of the sell off.  On the 26/11/24 ARX released guidance of Revenue NZ$80m - $87m and normalised EBITA NZ$2m-6m. Released yesterday were guidance figures of NZ$81m - $84 and NZ$2-$4m. Down, however you would not think a disaster, though these things are all about expectations.

Unfortunately there was a power outage in my area and I did not get to hear the conference call and so do not know if there were any clangers revealed there. In the absence of that taking place I can only think the 24% price drop and further 5% at the time of writing is telling as you indicated, just how jumpy the market is.   We have seen the same with NEU, with it rising 32% in the last 12 days on the back of no news that you would think would justify such a massive change in valuation. Remembering ARX has a market cap of only $270m, so it would not take much selling to push the price around. 

The albeit self-promoted Myriad study was also released yesterday, and showed the product to be both clinically and cost wise top of the (self selected) competitor pack.

I like the management at ARX and the financials appear to have stabilised with ARX having cash of $A20m. I see the main short term risk to ARX is the viability of its US sales partner Telabio.  Telabio accounting for almost half ARX sales and sales to them were down.   

 As to the ARX business I like to look at it like this: If you took away the top 10% and the bottom 10% of surgeons and compared their work over say 100 procedures then I suspect there would be very little difference in patient outcomes. All surgeons are egomaniacs.  So, if you can convince them a particular product is superior, and I think there is some justification that ARX products are, then they are unlikely to stop using them.  The uniqueness of the ARX sheep guts product and accompanying story, I suspect may feed into the surgeons own sense of self.   Only my subjective opinion. We will see what time brings.

(By way of context. Two weeks ago my wife had a bad case of appendicitis and post the operation the surgeon would do his rounds at about 7:00am each morning. I would be there, and on one occasion questioned him as to why the TAZOCIN IV antibiotic was being terminated after 3 days when the product sheet says:  “….. should be given for at least 5 days, and for 24 hrs after all signs of illness and fever have gone.”   

A reasonable person might have responded with something along the lines of:  “Well what you say is true, however when the CRP readings are below 100 and going down and you continue with a course of oral antibiotics straight after the IV dose, it will be just fine. This is standard practice, and have had no relapses in the last x years I have been doing this”.     Instead Napoleon chewed me out for having the temerity to question him. No wonder these guys get sued).

Added 2 months ago

@Scoonie and @rh8178 I am also trying to understand the severe SP response on $ARX yesterday and today.

I think there are two factors.

First, FY revenue guidance narrowed from NZ$80-87m to $NZ$81-84m and EBITDA from NZ$2-6m to $NZ2-4m (or NZ$0-2m in CC). While within range, the update was towards the lower end. But that's not enough, on it's own.

Secondly, we've seen the momentum from the last 5 months unwind, so we are right back where we were in the middle of last year. (see below)

I think these two factors together help explain the picture.


Looking longer term, the quarterly cash flow trends show we still have a reasonable divergence between receipts and payments, so the business is on the cusp of generating cash. In fact, as highlighted in the presentation, yesterday's result was the first positive operating cashflow result - so a key milestone towards sustainability.


I was quite impressed with the side by side comparison of te $ARX, $PNV and $IART products, albeit I haven't assessed the underlying work for selection bias. However, the key messages are very different to what $PNV normally tell (or imply) to investors.

My Key Takeaway

$ARX is steadily making progress. At an EV/Revenue of 2.5, it is way cheaper than $PNV (11x) and $AVH (4.0x), and more in line with the much more mature $IART (2.2x). I don't like using this multiple, but what can you do when there aren't yet meaningful profits? $ARX will always be cheaper on a multiple comparison to the first two, as it is more capital intensive with lower margins.

The big question is about the ability to sustain revenue growth. If $ARX can keep generating 20-25% growth annually, then it potentially reflects a good buy here, as it will soon start generating reasonable levels of cash and NPAT.

However, as we've seen with $PNV, the growth trajectory in this category can change quickly. And were that to happen, then it is not an attractive business for me.

My hypothesis is that after years of strong growth into the large addressible market, we are now seeing increased product-on-product competition. I have no way of getting a better handle on that risk (until its too late), which is why I have stepped away from this sector altogether.

But all that said, $ARX is one to keep an eye on. And I am. I really like management. (Kiwi bias coming through, no doubt!)

Disc: Not held


Added 2 months ago

@Scoonie @mikebrisy - I agree with your views. Aroa has a volatile cash flow profile, so I would expect we'd revert to negative FCF this next quarter (as a normal rhythm of the business). I see Morgan's just downgraded it's price target off the back of this, but in my view it still has good long term prospects, and whilst revenue was slightly off, ultimately, it's a product that clearly has great benefits to those that unfortunately have to use it. Every time they report, they seem to generate better and better evidence of the efficacy of their product (if thta's the right way to express it?) - and to me that's the main KPI, not whether the quarterly revenue hit a predetermined target. Also a nice buffer with no debt and good level of cash in the bank. As FCF is just turning positive that hopefully will remain the case as they prove up the growth of the business.

Held IRL.


Added 2 months ago

Still searching for the reason behind the guidance miss which wasn't properly explained. This is the only negative for me

Holding but not topping up until there is a clearer reason for the guidance miss and downgrade.