Forum Topics PNV PNV When to buy back in?

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Added a month ago

Hi guys

So with many of us selling out of PNV, it is still a great company with lots of catalysts for growth. And most of us had valued it above $2.20....and it is currently trading at about 1.90 and feels like it is dropping. So this this seems to be creating a buying opportunity.

@Saiton what is your chart telling you? I saw a guy on Hotcopper called Westsurf is predicting about 1.68? What do you think?


I think I am a buyer from about 1.75 (might buy about 1/4 of my desired position)....and then buy another 1/4 at 1.70....then see how it goes for a while.

I'm not sure how to perform analysis on buying back in. What do others do in this scenario?

Added 4 weeks ago

@Parko5, Sorry taken a bit to get back to you on when to enter in again. In the short term we are at the bottom and expect it to have a bit of a run up. Who is to say though that it doesnt sit on the bottom going sideways for quiet a while. However the signals I am seeing are only for the short term until it plays out futher to show its hand. If you were an aggressive trader then yes i would put a small position to start. I would then need to see how the first main waves 1,2 playout. So for myself I'll watch it for a week or so. I did make a video for you all to see my analysis of the charting, however I have run out of storage space on my Google account to upload it. I will endeavour to get it uploaded soon. In short, I wouldn't rush into it just yet. You want to see it turn around with so conviction.

Oh and yes there is the possibility that it could go as low as 1.60 ish but it hasnt play out the set up needed for that to happen as yet. Thats why I'm saying it needs so time to determine the longer term.


Added 4 weeks ago

Thanks @saiton

Yeah i'm going to watch for another week and then see where we are at.

Trump may also impose tariffs on pharmamaceuticles. I know BTM is a medical device....but tariffs could be imposed.

If that happens....could impact USA sales (bulk of our current sales).


Added 4 weeks ago

@Parko5 yes, the tariff could be interesting here. $IART and $AVH manufacture in the US for the US (as I understand it), so that would put ANZ companies like $PNV and $ARX at a distinct disadvantage.

$PNV can flex a little through pricing power and absorbing some in the margin - but the net effect would depend on just how important product-on-product competion is becoming. My hypothesis is that it is starting to bite - but I have not idea how strongly.

A key I will be looking at is this quarter's (reporting in April) sales for $AVH and $IART, as both report quarterly. Particularly because $AVH is still guiding for strong growth in 2025, despite the recent disappointing update for Q4. (They are building a track record of not meeting expectations!) And I am still interested to see how $IART is coming back after the recall.

Albo was reportedly able to go in to bat today for Bluescope(sorry, I mean Aussie steel and aluminum) partly because Bluescope have invested a lot in the US and have a lot of jobs there, which is exactly what Trump has invited ALL firms to do, which I think means as much if not more that the overall US trade surplus with Australia.

It is unclear whether any carve out we might get is going to apply as a blanket for Aussie Inc. or product by product, depending on what the major firm in each product category is doing. Both $ARX and $PNV have 100% concentration in their supply chains. Which in general is never a good thing, if you can avoid it.

$PNV missed any opportunity to diversify when they went for the the $500m sales expansion on the current site. I understand why they did that because a new site would have added a bunch of new fixed costs, which were avoided by expanding at the current location.

However, the Board seemed oblivious to concentration risk, because when I asked the question at an investor call or AGM or SM meeting a few years ago, DW was quite dismissive, saying that they were in separate buildings so they wouldn't all burn down if there was a fire. My question was a broader question, but as a retail investor our questions are often not given proper consideration.


Added 4 weeks ago

Just hit $1.735.

how low can it go!

I have a bid in at 1.725.


Added 4 weeks ago

@Parko5 I know it’s only part of the picture, but shorts still seem to be increasing, which means there is a steady supply into the market. (Pic below is from Shortman, so lagged by several days and therefore doesn’t say anything about the last few days.)

I imagine potential major buyers are awaiting the HY result. So, the steady supply is pushing the price down.

Just guessing though.

If the financials are good, it’s likely a good entry point. If not, then all bets are off.

Disc: Not held



Added 4 weeks ago order was not fulfilled.

I think the pattern the manipulators use is to dump shares on open....create the momentum down....then in the back to get more shares to dump the next day. Occasionally mix it up so that it is hard to detect. Pretty easy to do when your cost to trade is effectively zero.

I hate these games. A 'per trade' tax would put a stop to it. And fund ASIC properly.

I think you are right.....might be worth waiting.

Added a month ago

@Parko5 my decision process is usually simple. With a valuation of $2.20 ($2.00-$2.50), i'd normally be buying back in at $1.895.

However, as I've expressed in earlier posts, my valuation is a placeholder, as I want to see how the financials have evolved in 1H, given everything we've written about revenue recently.

So, I'm on the sidelines.

While I've probably invested more time in $PNV over the last 8 years than any other stock. it is important not to get attached to a business. My thesis is challenged and I have to be disciplined. I won'r reinvest just on the SP, I only reinvest if I can reform a reasonable thesis.

I don't have to own it!

Disc: not held


Added a month ago

Shorts still increasing.



Added a month ago


I get you are concerned that RoW growth is not as expected. On HC some people have pointed out that the H1 FY2024 Trading Result had 122% growth for RoW but that included a one off Ukraine sale of $1.2 million. If we take that out, the fall to the 28% RoW growth for H1 FY2025 Trading Result is much less.

still not where we want it. But as DW has said, sales in PNV can be lumpy.

i guess what I am trying to suggest….is your thesis actually broken? Could this just be an aberration?

im now starting to think of investing back in. But I’m willing to wait a bit to see where the SP goes. PNV really feels like a manipulated stock at times like now. I can see it dropping more due to the time till the next likely announcement (mid year).